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View User's Journal

My ne?
Just my little life...
um, yeah
1. what's every other letter of your full name? H A H R R C E L E B Y
2. do you like your name? No
3. if you had to change it, what would you make it? Jinxi Rachelle Payne
4. what will you name your first child? Sanosuke
5. what inspired your Gaia name? A friend suggested it
6. do you have more than one Gaia account? how many? Three
7. what inspired your avi's design? Nothing
8. how much gold do you have? 854
9. are you questing for anything? YES
10. if so, is it going to take a long time to get? YES
11. have you ever begged in forums (for items or gold)? No
12. did anyone ever donate to you? Yes ^^
13. what's the most expensive item on your avi? My coat
14. how long have you been a member of Gaia? Two Years
15. how long have you been logged on so far today? 32 minutes
16. think you'll finish this survey? Yeah
17. why are you taking this survey? I have no one to talk to crying
18. how young do you think is too young to be a member on Gaia? Nine
19. how many members do you think will be on Gaia in 2010? 7,000,000
20. have you ever received a "creepy" pm from someone you didn't know? Yep
21. how many rooms are in your house? Nine
22. do you have your own bedroom? Yes
23. seen any good movies lately? Yes
24. what's the last song you heard? Tango Maureen
25. do you like that song? Yep
26. what's the most expensive thing that you're wearing right now? Jeans
27. do you have an AIM screen name? no
28. are you on AIM right now? no
29. do you have a myspace, xanga, or live journal? yep
30. do you have any brothers or sisters? yep
31. do you have both parents? Well...they're yeah
32. are your parents together? No
33. who's your weirdest relative? My Father
34. what's your favorite holiday? Halloween
35. why is it your favorite? I like candy.
36. what's the weirdest thing you'v ever done? Um...Ran outside and yelled, "Jordan is dead sexy"
37. what's something very interesting about you? I look at a statue of the hawaiin god of happiness, daily.
38. are you single, interested in someone, taken, or just friends with benefits? Taken
39. ever had a crush on a close friend? Yep ^^
40. ever had your heart broken? YES
41. ever broken someone else's heart? Yeah
42. what's the worst thing you've ever done? Em...I shoplifted once...
43. what's your favorite song? Tango Maureen
44. favorite movie? Anger Management
45. favorite color? Silver
46. favorite website? Gaia
47. favorite food? Sushi
48. favorite meat? (wtf?) Chicken...
49. what do you like on your pizza? Pineapple, cheese, ham, light sauce
50. were you born with an incurable disease? No
51. were you born with any kind of weird defect? No
52. ever heard the song "break my stride", by mathew wilder? Nope
53. tell me something completely random. There is a green ballon by my computer desk
54. what kind of shoes are you wearing? I'm not wearing shoes
55. have you ever crossdressed? Yeah...
56. do you like rollplaying? very much so
57. what could you be labeled as? (i hate labeling too, just go with it) Preppy, maybe?
58. are you guilty of using chat speak? Nope
59. your opinion of n00bs? Not all Newbies are n00ba and not all n00bs are newbies.
60. are you a virgin? Yeah unless you count....
61. do you plan on getting married someday? Uh-huh
62. how many kids do you want to have? Two at the most
63. ever played any Zelda games? YES ^^
64. how about Kingdom Hearts? Eh...disney...ew
65. are you a video game fanatic? Yes
66. are you one of those Gaia obsessive types? Kinda
67. do you have any pets? Nope
68. do you or have you ever played a musical instruments? Yes
69. do you like Monty Python? Sure
70. what are your plans for today? Stay glued to my computer chair
71. tell me a random movie quote. "You had me at hello"
72. do you watch a lot of movies? Knda
73. ever been to Disney World or Disney Land? Nope
74. what did you do last summer? Went to CYC
75. when was the last time you saw your father's mother? Two years
76. who was the last person you saw? Sister
77. who was the last person you spoke to? Sister
78. what did you say to them? Good Morning
79. do you know the significance of the number 69? Yes
80. can you take almost anything and make it about sex? Yeah
81. ever played the game MASH on paper? Yep
82. were you ever a Britney Spears or Backstreet Boys fan? Uh-uh
83. have you noticed that Britney Spears' initials are BS?
84. do you even get why that's funny? apparently a lot of people don't Yes, I do ninja
85. i'm thinking of ending this survey soon. Getting tired? Never
86. do you like anime? Love it
87. what's your favorite TV show? Scrubs
88. are you a star wars fanatic? Nope
89. were you ever a pokemon geek? Yes...When I was 5
90. what is love? When you look at someone, and they look back and you feel like nothing is wrong with the world as long as they're with you.
91. have you ever truly hated someone so much that you'd kill them? Yep
92. do you have a lucky number? Yes
93. if so, why is it lucky to you? (if you don't, just post "YOUR MOM" wink YOUR MOM
94. do you think farting is nasty? In public, yes
95. do you curse a lot? Kinda...
96. are you a pollwhore? Somtimes
97. do you have a job? if so, what is it? Just babysitting everyday
98. what's your best talent? Um...playing the clarinet
99. do you overuse emotes? No