Well last night was horrible..I was so sick that I though I was gonna die. sad It's severely hot in my room and it didn't help that I had a temp, and I didn't want to turn on the fan because I would get even more sick. So I had to sufer in a really hot room for the night and I could barely breathe and I couldn't fall asleep ((sounds like a fun time huh! stare )) I do feel alot better today though. I got the "Playboy" a few days ago so now I can throw sexxy parties at my house anytime I want ((If only I could do that in real life crying )) Oh and I found out how evil my mom is. Ok so got a game from her friend that tests your respons time by pressing a button so she told me to play against her. Though what she forgot to tell me is that if you lose the game will shock you! THen later she made my brother play and she turned the power on high and got him really good. Now she wants me to play it w/a few of my friends. What a nice and loving mother I have. smile
Jin_Starfeld · Wed Feb 09, 2005 @ 04:19am · 0 Comments |