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Life and Times of a Seifu Hey, kids, Rock and Roll! Shake hands with the Devil and sell your soul!

hay janae
Community Member
My life as of late has been...hectic. Between class assignments, family troubles, and health issues, I've kinda been left for dead, as far as I can see. The assumptions about my health and such are piling up like dirty laundry, and I'm seriously tired of people imforming me of everything I know already. If I have to say that I'm not anorexic one more time, I'll scream. Small-boned with a very fast metabolism, thanks! I don't think I know how much longer I can handle comments like this, particularly the ones about my pencil-thin wrists(It's a family trait, THANKS!), the guilt-inducing stares from my parents every time I leave a single morsel on my plate, and the horridly-not-so-subtle comments about my eating habits. It builds up, and it's starting to drive me insane. I am inches away from marching into a cosmetic surgery place and telling them to pump me with lard until I'm three hundred ******** pounds. Maybe then people will leave me alone. I just can't take it anymore. And it's getting extremely hard to just keep everything inside and prevent myself from exploding on the nearest person to me, which I most likely will regret afterwards. God damn, if I get a tumor or an ulcer over this...

Really the only thing keeping me afloat right now are my friends...and I mean my real life friends. Honestly, I'd be in an irrepairable slump if not for them...