I burnt the toast.. ._. It's the UBER nice bread I like as well, now all wasted. emo But then I made more so all is good-ish. cool
Spent most of today either falling asleep - english lit or zoning out into my own private fairytale. I;m quite happy spacing out right now since it's my retreat when I'm either tired or just want to disappear. I guess I want to disappear but since the dreams are making me feel a tad better then I can't be doing much wrong. ^.^ I almost finished my phiolosophy essay today. Just have to say what my ideas are on Plato's theory of reality.. of which I don't know anymore. I mean, at first I thought it was a good idea but now I keep finding flaws and I'm doubting my own beliefs in everything. @_@;; Miss Williams [one of my english lit teachers] is so bloody boring she could put my dog Molly to sleep - and she's always hyper. I mean an entire lesson pratically of her reading Chapter One of 'Cold Mountain' is so un-thrilling. x_x
Am worried about people still today as well. I kidna want to hide everyone in a little box and keep them there so they can be safe from people like me. Ok, that's self centred and stuff but I don't want to see other people hurt. Espically those I care about the most.
My feet hurt.. thanks to my new shoes which yesterday pratically ripped/scraped/blistered my feet! scream Seriously, next time my mom says to get the size 5's instead of 6's.. well I'll start a epidemic if I have too. o_o;
Janey-chan edited 2 more of my pictures for me. I haven't posted these cos I didn't really like them.. but if I get to dye my hair tomorrow then I'll take some more then. Cos I oh so know you love looking at me. - I just realised.. NO-ONE reads my journal but me.. ah well. cool
 ^ this one scares me.. it's too bright and blurry for my liking but like they say beggers can't be choosers.
 ^ I really really like this one. : D :lovelove:
 ^ I just found this picture of Chris's [Vans] and my [Cons] feet. <33333
HoverCrab · Tue Sep 19, 2006 @ 04:55pm · 1 Comments |