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{Sniff Sniff Blurp - Niuch Niuch Blurp [PL]}
₪₪₪ Whoa! A Blue Magic Giftbox! ₪₪₪
I still can't believe this! Yesterday i was walking in towns picking up flowers & trash as always... Suddenly! In one of the maps i saw a blue giftbox flying away~! I picked it up and it went stright to my item's list. When i opened it, it was Nitemare Collar inside! It doesn't fit my image, so i sold it in the market for over 22k! I'm so lucky~! Kya~ heart I'll save the money for my CoCo Kitty quest 3nodding

Edit: My (and my mule's) rare events till 26 July 2007:

User Image x1
User Image x12
User Image x21
User Image x2
User Image x22
User Image x1
User Image x2
User Image x1

Blue Magical Giftbox (Nitemare Collar - sold for 22500 g biggrin )
Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 5700 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 3550 g)
Blue Magical Giftbox (Space Monster Mask - sold for 600 g gonk )
Blue Magical Giftbox (sold for 11250 g)
Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 3500 g)

Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 4890 g)
Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 4990 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2298 g)
Enchanted Golden Trunk (sold for for 6475 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2298 g)
Blue Magical Giftbox (sold for 15000 g)
Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 4990 g)
Blue Magical Giftbox (sold for 15000 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2070 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2099 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2099 g)
Blue Magical Giftbox (sold for 15000 g)
Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 4800 g)
Brown Magical Giftbox (sold for 4900 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2199 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk (sold for for 2220 g)
Enchanted Wooden Trunk for 2415 gold.
Enchanted Wooden Trunk for 2420 gold.
Brown Magical Giftbox for 5000 gold.
Enchanted Golden Trunk for 8500 gold.
Blue Magical Giftbox for 15800 gold.
Blue Magical Giftbox for 15000 gold.
Pink Magical Giftbox for 50000 gold.
Enchanted Wooden Trunk for 1900 gold.
Brown Magical Giftbox for 4790 gold.
Brown Magical Giftbox for 3799 gold.

Blue Magical Giftbox x1 (& x4 went for research)
Brown Magical Giftbox x1 {{& x10 went for research}}
Enchanted Golden Trunk x0
Enchanted Wooden Trunk x7
Great Monarch x1
Purple Fly x2
Rhino Beetle x1

₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪ RESEARCH ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪
After gathering 10/5 of certain giftbox color, i will open them all and post what i got (to warn you ;D). Furthermore! I will keep the items (if they won't be duplicated) for me to remember, that i would make more money if i'd sell giftboxes next time ;D

10 brown giftboxes research:
₪ Old Skewl Orange Head Gear
₪ Mummy Mask
₪ Hockey Mask
₪ Flower on my Head
₪ Flower Crown
₪ Hockey Mask
₪ Prisoner's Top
₪ Prisoner's Pants
₪ Flower on my Head
₪ Hockey Mask
Crappy enough? User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Then let's see what'll happen with blue boxes...

5 blue giftboxes research:
₪ Nitemare Claws
₪ Coon Tail
₪ Arrow in my Head
₪ Ballin' Black Head Gear D:
₪ [need box]

Of course there will be no pink box research ;D

User Comments: [5] [add]
Ciel de Vanille
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 12:34pm
Lucky is not enough~~~! heart
Long time ago, flying boxes [blue and pink] and wooden trunks were quite common [one event in 1-2 weeks] but now... uhhh... I haven`t see *any* trace of them for years crying
BUT! Since you were lucky enough to get blue box, it means that special events still exist~~~ KYAAA~~~ Events were one of the things I missed the most when all those stupid new features appeard.

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 09, 2006 @ 01:09pm
I've read somewhere in the forums, that in feb 2006 they added boxes in towns, so they even added new rares this year biggrin But it's really rare... if you didn't found any for years sad That means i'm really lucky surprised

Community Member
Ciel de Vanille
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 08:44am
In towns? Gaaawd gonk
Long time ago [in a Gaiaxy not so far away] they were floating around the whole site! You could grab them on the forum, maps, while shopping... Now only towns... geeeeez.... stare

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 13, 2006 @ 09:14pm
whoaa eek
never seen any giftbox floating around the site....

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Feb 20, 2007 @ 06:47pm
poprawka, ostatnio znajduje coraz wiecej rare iwentow na stronie ;D

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