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I'm just this into myself
Going on, and on, and on about Me, Myself, and I. Not about You, or what He/She did at school, or some Jerk online, just Me.
Absolute Boycotting of Youtube.
I continue to refuse to use Youtube in any way, shape, or form. Which is really too bad, it's a utility with a lot of legitimate potential.

I'm actually really surprised they haven't been sued raw by this point, having so many users posting movies/cartoons/etc licenced in the west for free illegal streaming. They're in a hell of a lot of trouble if Bandai Entertainment or ADV actually decides to persue them with a will, and they should be.
It's understandable the site security have a lot of work to do, but hell, some of these users with whole licenced programs up for streaming go untouched for months. And the legalty policies could always be made more clear and visable.

More or less everyone I come in contact with is utilizing the site.
Legitimate uses;
My friend making video slideshows of her baby & uploading them.
My galpal watching music videos to research cds/artists to pay massive ammounts of money to import them legit from Europe and Asia.
Watching that chick from SNL bash Emo kids.

Bloody fantastic. All have things to add to society.

My brother watching Kenny vs. Spenny so he doesn't have to turn on the tv or buy the dvds, however, is a lame-a** use.

Way too many younger kids are growing up using this site as a primary source of entertainment, and don't realize the programming they're watching is illegal. Just because it doesn't have a "Download" button, it's not wrong? It's still streaming an illegal download/upload.

And to add to it, all these kiddies are telling their friends, and everyone they meet online about all the free easy access to this material. It's really harmful when 30,000 people watch Wolf's Rain online instead of buying, borrowing or renting.

Uhg, it's like an uphill struggle. I'm going to be crowing if Canada passes the government computer and internet access bills they've been talking about, because then they'll have better access to deter rampant perpetuated theft. And curb the normalizing of illegitimate activity festering in our youth pools.

Stupid people piss me off.

User Comments: [8] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 20, 2006 @ 03:15am
Urk... sorry to hear about that. I only watch AMVs, and only when there isn't an actual music video for the song. (Which is quite rare.)

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 11, 2006 @ 05:54pm
I don't have any issue with AMVs, which I know Youtube hosts a lot of. It's the entire episodes of licenced series that make me go nuts.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Oct 12, 2006 @ 09:02pm
I use youtube mostly for for watching concerts and fanvideos, mostly parodies. I'm obsessed with parodies.

I'd never boycott it, there's too much I can find there. And I honestly can't afford animes, at least until I'm old enough to get a job. My parents don't approve of my animes anyways, so there's no way in Hell they'd let me spend money on it.

So, according to you, I'm stupid and piss you off. Nice. I don't feel a need to defend myself.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 14, 2006 @ 05:38pm
I had a job when I was 11 delivering newspapers, no excuses.

The word I'm hearing now is Google bought out Youtube, so hopefully they'll clean it up and crack down on more of the illegally uploaded content. Google's a bigger sue-target.

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The Great Mr. Hitokiri
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 29, 2006 @ 11:35pm
Welcome to the i-Generation, baybee!

commentCommented on: Sun Dec 24, 2006 @ 06:55am
I-Generation as in the 'I' in ' Illegal '?
Canada's government is slowly looking towards imposing comp watchdogs to regularily check what people are doing on their personal computers, and it's about bloody time.

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commentCommented on: Tue Mar 06, 2007 @ 08:41am
Good use for Youtube; watching some German couple's home movies of their bunny Manlein.
heart Das Manlein!

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 13, 2008 @ 09:56pm
Yea, I'm shocked that YouTube puts up with this.

For example: Sailor Moon.

This anime has 200 episodes. And ALL of them are up on YouTube. ALL of them.

I wont watch anime on YouTube (AMV's are different, even though a song and animation is used, the compilation is essentially of the creator of the video and thus the entertainment comes from them, not something licensed). There's so much other stuff that's legal on youtube. Like Dax.

Mystery Ceres
Community Member
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