Well at my Nan's yesterday I was bored, and decided to start learning how to use paintshop pro, since I have it on meh old computer. Well one thing resulted to another and as usual with me I made some signatures, now they aren't the greatest ever and yes, I am a n00b with anything to do with graphics. AND NO STEALING! scream Btw, no the images are not mine but the creations overall are. C:
I actually did this a while ago when messing with monochrome and lighting effects..

This was the first I tried with layering and transparency. I kinda like it but it's very messy. As you can see: dresden dolls and writing are lyrics from 'Truce' by the dresden dolls. C:

This was a random one made all in paint cos I wanted a break and really wanted to use this pic cos I mean throwing up beads is HOT! xD

The neater version of the one above.

I wanted to make a TRC siggie on impluse but I wasnt happy with the results as I had to make the background pixeled. D':
HoverCrab · Mon Jun 26, 2006 @ 08:13pm · 3 Comments |