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I'm just this into myself
Going on, and on, and on about Me, Myself, and I. Not about You, or what He/She did at school, or some Jerk online, just Me.
I've decided Movie Maker is a program I also hate
I'd better write this down, lest I forget the progress I made figuring this crap out.

So I want to make short animated sequences taken off of DVDs, but none of the dvd playing programs will allow me to screenshot and save images without them not transfering and showing up blank.

However, the desktop Windows Media Player will let me screenshot and save images. So I saved 8 sequential images, strung them together on Windows Movie Maker and enlarged the timeline so as to edit them down to a fraction of a second each. It saves fine, it's a nice small size, it even uploads to my photobucket, but it wont loop continuously.

So now it looks like im going to have to harvest screenshots on the desktop, upload them, save them on the laptop and string them together in flash to add words and loop continuously.

Damn, sucks to be me :/