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I'm just this into myself
Going on, and on, and on about Me, Myself, and I. Not about You, or what He/She did at school, or some Jerk online, just Me.
I want WEED.
No, not the drug.
Ginga Densetsu Weed - 26 episodes made in sept 2005, and it's still Japanese only :/ I want the manga, the 3 that are published in English, but can't find the last 2 anywhere since the publisher went belly up.
I'm so tempted to download the episodes illegally. But I must refrain! Delaying gratification will make it all the better when I can buy a legit copy.

Ditto for Hellsing Ultimate.

This is why I hate starting series that are hot off the presses, because I hate waiting to actually get them through all the proper channels.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 25, 2007 @ 07:54pm
:O Got Ginga Weed vol. 2 now, one more to go.

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