Here is some pics I made with the emotes pics. They just had to be done!!! Now look at the awesomeness of them!
 It just had to happen! Actually it happened because every time me or my sister mentioned Mr green, we always sang the mister clean commercial jinglewith mr green's name instead. It's quite catchy xd

Done under 5 minutes. I did this after a conversation with someone. After the person mentioned something about a conversation killer, I thought in my head, hmmmmm. He's the conversation killer!! A ninja in the niiiiiiight!!! ninja

It's domo eating someone!!! Mwaha ha!!!

My sister kept saying this was her I idea and I kept saying it was mine...I don't really remember anymore... sweatdrop Anyways, there's no harm in making it though is there? I mean she could have made the picture herself but she never did so...there!
daydreamer_girl · Fri May 19, 2006 @ 03:34am · 0 Comments |