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I'm just this into myself
Going on, and on, and on about Me, Myself, and I. Not about You, or what He/She did at school, or some Jerk online, just Me.
I've lost more teeth than a 1920's boxer.
How many teeth can realistically be pulled out of the human head without impacting a full smile?

I must have the shark gene turned on, at the end of June I'll have had at least 14 teeth extracted. 4 more wisdom teeth need to go again, at the same time, from the back of each corner of my mouth. This is the second time this will have been done.

I should have been saving all these adult ones to make a nice pair of real dentures for when I'm 80 and gummy. Faak. I could be buying and stocking a new shelf with the money going towards more dentistry.

I'll be looking at each tooth thinking 'That was the last 13 volumes of Gravitation, and that was the last 3 Evangelion Gashapon sets, and that was the new format of Rayearth, and that was the Katamari Damacy soundtracks'.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 04:21pm
gonk Going back to the dentists today. Faaak.

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