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View User's Journal

Here We Are, But We're Still Lost
I have spilled my heart on this journal and now I am making it public. I doubt what you will find will interest you much. It's only my battered soul. Lol, sorry, that was really angst, wasn't it?
I'm such an awful person

My first kiss - broke my heart.
I had waited to long;
Angsting, hoping,
only to feel disappointed.

We were still, for so long.
Anticipating, the night hiding,
Shielding our beating hearts
from judgemental onlookers.

I sprang forward, eager;
pressing skin to skin.
Not lips to lips, no
it was nothing like that.

I pulled away, apologized.
He just smiled.
I tried again. And again.
I "kissed" him five times that night.

And when I latter saw him,
he was drunk with delerium.
And my heart was broken,
Dangling from my shredded hope.

My first kiss left me empty.