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View User's Journal

Here We Are, But We're Still Lost
I have spilled my heart on this journal and now I am making it public. I doubt what you will find will interest you much. It's only my battered soul. Lol, sorry, that was really angst, wasn't it?

I offered my love to you
And promised it would be forever.
You can not ask anymore of me.
My love as been sopped up and drained.
It sloshes around your feet uselessly
and proves I am nothing more than tears.


I can not love you.
Do not ask it of me.
I am worth nothing
and my mind is all I have.


I felt in my fist, in my feet,
behind my eyes, and in my ribs.
The lurching fear that cradles hearts
in a hot blanket of imbalanced anger.

I was left screeching into my hands
in repeated pain and helpless tears.
Your love inflated me to the brim of joy
and your love overflowed until it was nothing.

Your kisses were memories of love
which we could not revive or rediscover.
We drained each other, clinging too tightly,
taking and never stopping to replenish.