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Encharmtress Grimoire
~*~ Welcome to my SpellBook of charms and magic, os spells and stories. ~*~
Shugo Chara! 5! Junior High
Sayorii glanced up at the enormous white building. It was majestic, almost like a palace. Ritani, her guardian character, hovered beside her. "Junior High School..." she breathed out the three words. It was silent, almost dramatic. The silence was interrupted almost immediately. A girl with short pink hair raced passed her, shouting.
"Tadase-kun!". She met up with a blonde boy a bit further towards the gates. They began discussing something and smiling.
"I wish I knew somebody here..." she whispered, half to Ritani, half to herself. The bell rang, and she began walking again.


"Everyone else is here too?" Amu said in disbelief. Tadase nodded.
"Tsukasa arranged to place all the former Guardians in the same school. Considering it's still really close, it was easy." he explained. "Of course," he began again. "we'll most likely never be Guardians again, but we can still act it. Right?" he said with a smile. Amu agreed. She was beginning to think everyone would be split up to different schools, or even different countries.
"Hey, Tadase-kun" she said. "Do we have the same classes?" she asked. She was at her class, though not knowing if Tadase was in it too. He shook his head.
"Not this year. I have Shiyo-Sensei."
Amu sighed. "Oh well. Anyways, see you at lunch!" she waved goodbye and stepped into the class.


Nagihiko walked in silence down the halls. When would he see the others? Were they already in class? He knew Tsukasa arranged for everyone to be in the same school -besides Yaya-, but nobody had contacted him yet. Maybe he would find Amu and the others at lunch.
"Wait a second..." he thought for a minute and slowed his walking pace. "Amu-chan... Last time I saw her was at graduation, and I told her that I'm..." he sighed to himself. "How will she handle me now that she knows? Will she treat me like Nadeshiko or Nagihiko? Does she understand that I'm still the same? Is she mad that I lied to her...?" all the possibilities came rushing in all at once. "Oh well," he thought. "I'll just have to find out later".


Rima set her bag down against the chair, unpacking a few books and setting them down on the desk. Junior High wasn't going to be very fun, was it? The teacher seemed very strict, and nobody she knew was in her class. She guessed mostly everyone was in her class was new, so nobody was familiar with anyone. "Good luck on your first day, Rima!" Kusukusu hovered in front of her and smiled.
Rima didn't look up. "Thanks Kusukusu, but please don't talk to me right now. People will think I'm weird." she said, barely a whisper.
"Oh!" Kusukusu slapped her tiny hands over her mouth. "Sorry!" she said. Rima smiled as she finished unpacking and she was able to sit down. So long as nobody thought she was weird, she was fine.


Sayorii sat down at the empty table. She was among the first few students to enter the lunch room.
That wasn't why she sat down. Sayorii planned to draw. She had a big "celebration" breakfast, so she wasn't hungry. Ritani situated herself on Sayorii's shoulder as she began to sketch. She planned to draw and angel, or some mythical character, manga style. Ritani spoke up.
"Want to character change with me?" she said. Sayorii rejected the suggestion.
"Maybe for coloring later."
A girl stepped up to her, followed by a posse. She had long black, curly hair tied to one side and purple eyes.
"Are you new to this school?" she said. Without looking up, Sayorii replied.
"Yes". With a smirk, the girl began to speak.
"I need somebody to portray my beauty. How would you like to become my personal artist?" she said with a conceited tone.
Sayorii ceased drawing and looked up with a confused look on her face. "I'm sorry, but I only draw my characters."
The girl looked offended. "Is my beauty not good enough for you?" she stepped over to her side and shoved her sketchbook to the ground. Sayorii glared at her.
"Any picture not of me is a waste."
"More like any picture of you is a waste, Ayame." a voice spoke up. They all turned. It was a boy, probably around 14. He had brown-reddish hair and golden-green eyes. A guardian Character hovered next to him.
The girl -obviously named Ayame-glared at him. "How could you, Kukai-senpai? Saying I'm not worthy of a picture!" she said with a whiny tone. Kukai shook his head.
"You're worthy of a picture, just not all of them. She draws what she wants, not what you want. Not everyone will bow down to you, Ayame-san." Ayame had stopped talking.
"Hmph! Fine! I'll go find somebody with common sense!" she turned and left, her posse following.
"What's her problem?" Sayorii said, picking up her sketchbook.
"Nah, don't bother. She thinks she's the Queen of England." Kukai said.
"Thank you, um..." she was lost in words.
"Kukai. Soma Kukai, your senpai." he smiled. His guardian character whispered something to him. "Oh, you're right." he said.
Sayorii blinked.


"Kiyota Sayorii. Nice to meet you." Sayorii said. Kukai had said something about having a Guardian Character, saying it made her "special". He was introducing her to a group of kids. There was that blonde boy and the girl with pink hair she saw this morning, as well as boy with long dark blue-purple hair and a girl with long wavy blonde hair and a black bow headband. They all seemed pretty nice, and they all had Guardian Characters.
The blonde boy was Hotori Tadase and his Character Kiseki, who seemed to be a King of sorts. The girl with pink hair was Hinamori Amu, who had four characters. A pink cheerleader, Ran, a blue Artsy character, Miki, a green clover themed baker or chef, Su, and a yellow pop-star-themed character, Dia, all based off of a suit of cards. The dark haired boy was Fujisaki Nagihiko, with a guardian character who went by Rhythm, who almost looked like an exact - but smaller- version of Nagihiko. The blonde girl was Mashiro Rima, with a clown character, Kusukusu.
"Hey, are yo not eating lunch?" Kukai pointed out.
Sayorii shook her head. "Not now. I'd kinda' rather draw..."
"Amu-chan! She has a Guardian Character!" Ran said, hovering up next to Ritani.
"She does!" Amu said.
"Oh, this is Ritani. She explained to me that having a Guardian Character means that you have a clear view of what you want to be, and in my case," Sayorii glanced at Ritani. "I want to be an artist." Ritani smiled.
"That sounds nice," Nagihiko said.
"We should add her to the Guardians!" Yaya exclaimed.
"Yaya, there aren't anymore chairs" Rima said.
Yaya whined.
"Maybe we could add one?" Tadase suggested.
"What would it be?" Kiseki said, drifting over the table. Everyone stayed silent, deep in thought. Yaya burst.
"Oh! What about like a suit of cards? Like Diamonds Chair, Hearts Chair, Clovers Chair, and Spades Chair!" she said.
"Yuiki-san..." Tadase began.
"Um, we need one chair, not four ..." Naigihiko said.
"But what if other members want to join?" Yaya said, a slight baby-ish tone in her voice.
Kukai nodded in agreement. "So, am I back in?"
Yaya nodded and smiled. "Welcome back, Clovers Chair!" he wasn't to happy about being Clovers Chair. Maybe he wanted Spades Chair. It sounded cooler.
"So it's settled," Rima said. Kusukusu gave a giggle.
"Welcome, Sayorii Kiyota, Diamonds Chair" Tadase said.
Sayorii smiled.

School's Over Already?

"See you later!" Nagi waved. He turned and began walking down the street, the setting sun gleaming off the passing windows. "I'm surprised we haven't Character Changed at all today" he said to Rhythm.
"Well, I've decided to give you a break!" Rhythm said coolly.
"You've just decided to do that now?" Nagi said sarcastically.
"Fujisaki-san!" a voice called out his name behind him.
He turned to see a girl running towards him, her long dark brown hair streaming behind her.
"Sayorii-chan," he greeted. "Need something?"
"No, this is the way I have to walk home." she smiled as they began walking again.
"Really? Where do you live?" he said.
"You go all the way down, turn right, and I'm the first house on the left." she pointed down to the T-crossing ahead of them.
"I live the opposite way, at the end of the street on the left."
"Wow, we live close." she said.
Nagi nodded. Most of the walk down the street was silent. Rhythm and Ritani lagged behind a bit.
"They got a nice groove going on. I'm getting very suspicious," Rhythm whispered.
Ritani agreed, giving a little nod. Quietly she added, "Is Nagi nice?"
"Of course" he said with a curious look.
Nagi glanced back at them. "What are you guys talking about?"
"N-nothing!" Ritani said, panicking a little.
Suddenly, Rhythm stopped. He gasped. "Nagi!"
Ritani felt it too.


"Character Transformation, Amulet Heart!" Amu landed on the ground next to everybody.
A large group of X - Eggs had gotten into an argument, apparently. Rikka had tagged along, translating. They seemed to be a large group of friends, who recently got into a disagreement, saying they never wanted to be friends again, thus putting an X on their hearts' eggs. The X - Eggs zipped around like they were mad, saying "Muri muri muri!" and "Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!".
The group dodged and dodged, as it seemed like countless X - Eggs were on the attack. They zipped this way and that, trying to "tackle" the Guardians. They emitted the dark energy inside, causing the need of a block.
"We need a way to round them up!" Tadase said as he dodged two eggs.
"Heart Rod!" Amu released the pink Heart Rod she held in her hands. It whizzed off at the sides of the group, came back like a boomerang, and rested back between her hands, a trail of pink sparkles in its wake. The X - Eggs were stunned for a moment, though quickly regained control of themselves and scattered again.
"What do we do?" Nagi looked around. Sayorii had sheltered behind a tree, hence her lack of character transforming. Yaya was running around as three X - Eggs chased her around the park. Tadase and Amu were shielding themselves with Holy Crown. An idea popped into his head. Would this actually work? Did Amu's music actually work like that?
"Amu-chan!" he called. Her and Tadase turned to face him. "Switch to Amulet Spade and use Prism Music!" after a moment of thought, she nodded. Miki and Ran tagged out, and Amulet Spade came into play.
"Prism Music!" she called. The rainbow music notes flowed out of her conductor, floating quickly towards the X - Eggs. The colors clearly caught their attention.
"Okay! Blaze Shoot!" the blue energy ball formed in Nagi's hand. He hurled towards the music notes. The music notes and the energy ball collided, creating a beatiful shower of sparkles, and a orchestra of melodious sounds. The X - Eggs floated over towards the shower, playing in the music.
"Amu! Tadase! Platinum Heart!" Rima called from somewhere in Yaya's direction.
Again, Amulet Spade swapped and became Amulet Heart. The Heart Rod formed in her hands. She brought it to meet with Tadase's scepter. The two of them held it up, and a deluge of gold and pink ribbons and sparkles rained from above them like a fountain, purifying the X - Eggs in the process.

Tomorrow: First Class: Music!

"So, what should we do?" Nagi asked. The first assignment of the year, for music in that matter, was to come up with some dance routine. Nagi, the girl named Rima, and Sayorii had, luckily, been paired in a group.
"At least I know them," Sayorii thought.
Nagi spoke again as he went over the rubric of the project. "What kind of dance should it be?"
"What about tap?" Rima suggested.
"I'm not too experienced with tap..." Nagi said, slightly embarrassed.
"What do you mean "not too experienced"? Are you a dancer?" Sayorii asked him.
"Yeah, actually. I do waltz and dances like traditional Japanese style, but not necessarily tap..."
"Waltz? Traditional? What about one of those?"
"I don't know either of them." Rima pitched in.
"Neither do I," Sayorii laughed a bit.
"I could teach you both. How about Waltz? To you, it might be more "fun"." Nagi suggested.
Rima and Sayorii agreed.


"What are we going to do? We have three people, we only need two to do a waltz." Rima said after they finished planning the first move.
"Hmm.... I guess one of us should sit out while we perform..." Sayorii pondered. "That can't be Nagi though, because..." she glanced at Rima, and immediately the other two understood.
"So, I guess whoever performs better with me?" Nagi concluded.
"You sound conceited when you say it like that," Sayorii giggled.
"Sayorii-chan..." Nagi sighed, though he smiled.
"Shouldn't we be focusing?" Rima snapped the others back.
"Oh? Uh, yeah sorry" Nagi couldn't help but laugh again. Rima was seeming to get agitated.
"That's not funny at all" she said seriously.
"Okay okay, sorry Mashiro-san. Lighten up a bit!" Sayorii said. She tried to keep back the bossy tone, trying to replace it with a playful one, though Rima wasn't the least bit happy about that.
"A-anyway!" Nagi interrupted as Rima turned her head away from Sayorii.
"Geez," Sayorii sighed. "What's your problem?" she said, slightly under her breath. "Can't take a joke?"

That ticked Rima off.

She glared at Sayorii and stomped off towards another group of her friends from Elementary school.
"Oh my..." Nagi sighed, gazing off into Rima's direction.
"It was her fault-"
"That wasn't the point," Nagi interrupted Sayorii, who stayed quiet. "What made her mad is saying that she couldn't take a joke. After all, Rima's dream is to make others laugh and smile." Saayorii looked back in her direction, feeling a little guilty.
She turned back to Nagi. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to. I just thought it was a little weird..."
"Nah, it's fine. Honestly, you have a point. Sometimes Rima has a hard time opening up and just letting go," he said. Comforting words. Slightly. "But anyways, shouldn't we be planning the dance?"
"Not much of a dancer, but sure/ what about Rima?" Sayorii asked.
"She'll be fine. I'll fill her in later."
After all, it was a month-long project. Too long, if you ask Sayorii.

After School Hangout

Amu situated herself on the fountain border. She was the last one to hear about the "meeting", but the first on there.
"I wonder where everybody is?" Ran said.
"Maybe this might turn out like your first date with Tadase-kun!" Su suggested wistfully.
"Yeah, the one that the aquarium!" Miki chirped.
"I hope not!" Amu said. "That'd be too embarrassing! And remember, that little girl wouldn't leave us alone..."
"But still, you'd be with Tadase-kun!" Ran ignored the fact that Amu's first date with him was kind of terrible.
"Ran!" Amu scolded her. Ran giggled.
"Sorry if you waited long!" Tadase ran up to her.
"Yay!" Miki said silently. Ran and Su giggled.
Amu groaned. "T-Tadase-kun! Hi..." she said nervously as he sat next to her.
"Nobody else is here?" he asked.
"Nope. I was the first to come, and last to hear..."
"Yuiki-san has a habit of doing that" Tadase smiled.

Out of embarrassment it was silent for a few moments.
"Amu-chan..." Tadase sighed. He sounded serious.
"How do you like Junior High so far?" he asked.
Amu thought for a spell. "Um, it's okay, I guess. Why do you ask?"
He shrugged.
"Hey guys!" Sayorii trotted up to them.
"Etsuko-san" Tadase greeted as she sat next to him.
"Nobody's even here? And Yaya told me to come early! what's this meeting even about?"
Amu shrugged. "She just... does things"
"If only we knew what this was for..." Sayorii sighed.
"Hey guys!" Yaya waved to them a ways off. She was with Rima and Nagihiko.

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Ellagant Fox
    Community Member

    Wed Dec 14, 2011 @ 08:59am

    Ellagant Fox
    Community Member

    Thu Dec 15, 2011 @ 08:01am

    Rima and Sayorii agreed for probably the first and last time xd

    emotion_bigheart gaia_angelleft yum_puddi gaia_angelright emotion_bigheart
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