Some general information.... To help you------------------------ Allow me to introduce myself: Aoi Hono no Mira For some reason people like calling me: Neku I have been around for : 16 I'm proud to be what I am and what I am is a: 1 fourth BakeNeko[not even that much] When I was born doctors said I was a: Female This is what floats my boat: who knows? Ah how you make my heart sing! :
Might do you some good to know this...------------------------ I am not the type of person to be taken lightly I have : unusual long nails and sharp teeth don't look down on me I'm tougher then I look: none really, though if really pissed a small fire MIGHT appear out of no where. This is the way that i have always been don't like it, tough...: She's a bit...Catty, not the snide-cruel popular girl like, but takes on Feline traits. She's a nimble girl, who can coax a lot of people into getting what she wants. Though she's not much of a fan of seafood in particular, she absolutely loves tuna! She's an open girl though, and tends to day dream sometimes. Loyalty isn't one of her best traits, but she's caring and protective I can't resist smiling when I have things like: + Tuna + Athletic events + Friends Not really my thing and it's not good having around me: (Dislikes) - Water - sassy people - .....Spicy foods! Ah a history lesson huh?------------------------ Without these people I wouldn't be here: Human father, slightly Bakeneko blooded mother. Guess I should tell you this... my birthday is: October 31st Let me tell you something about myself: YOU can find out later I decided to go on a journey who I travel with is: no one as of yet I can see myself in the pond's reflections: She's has a bit of a slightly athletic build and stands around 5"5'. Weighing roughly around 115, she has black hair in a bun with hime bangs and little hairs that spring out from the sides of her head like whiskers. She has amber colored eyes, slightly slittled but not clearly noticeable. She wears the usual green sailor fuku with baggy socks and brown shoes. Her skin is slightly tanned. She has unusual long nails, almost like claws and a catty smile.
JellieBoba · Tue Jul 26, 2011 @ 10:25am · 0 Comments |