name: daemon age: ? role: chesire cat info: daemon is the chesire cat of wonderland. he is demented and easily set off. he sings when he wants to make his prey sleep. daemon tries to help ladies and tricks men.
name: eliot age: ? role: white rabbit info: eliot is the white rabbit. he is sweet and lovable with a very protective side. as imagined he is bothered if people are not on time or if he is late.
name: leah age: 12 role: queen of hearts info: recently appointed as queen of hearts leah has no idea what to do. she hates killing and fighting along with theifs. she awaits the day when shell be dismissed.
name: lirion age: ? role: mad hatter info: lirion is the meaning of demented. hes devious and always looking for ways to get money. he will only protect one girl. alice.
SAME CHARACTERS OPPOSITE SEX FOR CERTIAN RPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name: railes age: ? role: cheshire cat (female) info: complete opposite of daemon.
name: eli age: ? role: white rabbit (female) info: opposite of eliot
name: kyran age: ? role: queen (king) of hearts (male) info: opposite of leah
name: lily age: ? role: mad hatter (female) info: opposite of lirion
Arrekasu · Sat Apr 09, 2011 @ 03:37am · 0 Comments |