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Here is Kaito
Kaito Omiyashi
Special skill: Elemental control
Special bio: part of the Omiyashi clan
Special trait: Ritogan
Bio: Kaito is a Omiyashi, which means he has full control over all e;ements and can learn any jutsu type except for genjustu. His parents ran from a massacre some fifty years ago, well, his grandparents did. They birthed a child who mated with Kaito's mom and they had him. It was peacfulk for three years until the water nation tried to kill them for the final time. Kaito was wisked away to the fire nation, wehere he would be safe and raise dby Hokage Naruto. Naruto raised Kaito alongside his son Haruko and the two became asn incredible team. They were the only ninja to be constantly paired as a duo, never dioing triple team missions. They became a force to reckon with and were taking on A rank missions at fifteen. Now nineteen, the estructive duo are preparing to be signed to ANBU black ops.
Weapon: This weapon Hitairu, a spear, gave him his nickname the The Newedler, for he is the only ninja to only use a spear and justu in combat. This spear enhances the power of close ranged attack ninjutsu and a few long range ones/.
Ritogan: The ritogan half allows the user to increase elemental justu power. full this version unleashes the Demon of shadows, a special demon knpown only to the Omiyashi clan. It allows the user to use the thrity second E break jutsu. The user has thrity seconds to do as many elemental juutsu's as possible without repeating. Once completed, a seal appears around the enemy, no matter how far or close and keeps them from escaping. The user, if inside the circle is unharmed. The enemy is then struck by the jutsu at triple it's original power. This puts the user in a coma for about two weeks but can be alleviated if the user takes the a special liquid comprised of multiple medical flowers ad a single cherry blossom sap drop.