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welcome to my life

Perfect Fail
Community Member
“I can’t believe it,” I said to Lita on the bus. “I can’t believe he kissed me.” She was sitting there bored out of her mind, it was the seventh time I’ve told her this. “I’m sorry Lita.” She sighed, “it’s ok Ash, and you’re right it is unbelievable.” I glared at her through the corner of my eye and she laughed, I couldn’t help but giggle too. “Lita you should have been there, it was amazing.” She sighed again and rolled her eyes.
I mean can you blame me? It was my first kiss, with a boy anyways. It was magic. He was driving me home from the movie, we saw a scary movie about monsters and vampires and all that jazz, and I spent the whole thing hiding in his shoulder. Dalton is so hot, I can’t believe he didn’t laugh at me being a chicken. Anyways when we got to my dad’s house he walked around and opened the door for me. The romantic type, I love it. He grabbed my hand and took me to the front door. I couldn’t stop gazing at his sexiness, and he noticed.
I was sitting there, blushing, when he grabbed my chin and made me stare into his deep blue beautiful eyes. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine, moving to a nonexistent rhythm. Soon, but not soon enough, he managed to have his tongue reaching into my throat. All I could remember was, whoa… Dalton Johnson has his tongue in my mouth. I think I might faint.
After about one minute of tongue tying the porch light flicked on. Crap! Of course dad would stay up to wait for me, wait if it was dad he would’ve came out. Uh oh… it’s Tyler, annoying older brother Tyler. Dalton released me, I was mad at Tyler for ruining this, and he told me good night in his deep honey sweetened voice that makes me melt.
Lita elbowed me in the ribs, ow, “hey stupid, stop daydreaming, it’s your stop.” I got off the bus, my head jumbled with thoughts of Dalton. I walked slowly on the way to my mom’s house, Dalton would be coming home after practice, and he is so hot in his jersey.
When I got back to my mom’s house, no one was home as usual. I walked straight to my room, took out my phone, and started texting Dalton. Even though he couldn’t respond, because he was at basketball practice, he was allowed to read them. I told him to come to my house after practice. In the mean time, I turned on the TV and took out my math homework.
Tyler came home after half an hour of trying to understand a geometry proof. He glared at me with his evil eyes and his red hair flaming, pure image of an evil brother. I’m so glad I didn’t get red hair like him, but instead I got this plain brown hair that goes barely past my shoulders. “So Ashley, you going to be a whore for Dalton tonight?” I sighed, “Shut up Tyler!” he laughed, “whatever, you know that’s all he wants.” I hate him so much, “go away Tyra.” He grunted, he hates being called girly names. “You can tell yourself whatever you want, but you’re still a whore.”
I rolled my eyes at him. He knows I’ve never had sex, he’s just jealous because I’ve made out with someone and he hasn’t. He finally decided to walk away, great, I didn’t get beat today, score 1 for me and 208 for Tyler. Don’t think I lie I have the bruises to prove he beats me.
The door bell rang somewhere close to 4:30. I ran to it as fast as I could. THANK GOD! It was Dalton. I opened the door and walked straight into his arms. He was so sweet. He kissed my forehead as he held me. I dragged him inside and made him sit on the love seat, I love that mini couch. Dalton sat and I grabbed him a pop. He opened the coke and chugged it. I didn’t care that he smelt like basketball sweat, his musky odor was like a drug to me, addicting and irresistible. I sat next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. I love him, but I didn’t want to tell him that. Not yet at least.
Dalton turned on the tv and turned it to one of those teen shows that make you laugh at people dealing with reality. We laughed together at parts, and he’d steal a kiss every 5 minutes or so. When we were sure Tyler was so wrapped up in his homework he wouldn’t hear, Dalton laid me down and started kissing me with wonderful force. I always got lost when he kissed me, lost in thought, I couldn’t think what so ever when he kissed me. I was focused on one thing his lips on mine.
When I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I pushed him off. He was hesitant, but he heard the footsteps, and sat up. He lightly wrapped his arm around me, and by the time Tyler got down stairs, we were in the same position before he was attacking me with his lips.
Tyler glared at us, “were you two just making out?” Dalton answered before I could, “what’s it to you?” Tyler stared at him, shrugged and went back upstairs. I sighed with relief.
We continued the pattern of making out and playing the “goodie goodie” children, until my mom came home. As usual, Tyler was her spy. She went upstairs and asked him her questions. I blushed, I knew Ty knew we were making out, I was so embarrassed. Dalton kissed my cheek and told me to calm down.
I forgot, Tyler and Dalton had an agreement. Tyler wouldn’t tell on us, if Dalton tried to get his cousin Sarah to date him. Sarah was gorgeous, like the female version of Dalton, natural blonde hair, the type celebrities fake, and deep blue eyes that make you feel like you’re swimming into their soul. Yes, Dalton and Sarah were images of pure beauty. Not to mention Sarah’s perfect sculpted body. She had an almost negative pants size, she was so skinny, yet perfectly proportioned, if you catch my drift, even makes me drool when I see her.
Dalton is pure hotness, the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, touching him makes my fingers burn, in a good way though. When I see him, my heart pumps fast and I swear I can’t breathe.
My mom came downstairs with a smile. Tyler upheld his part of the bargain, my mom thought me and Dalton were just friends. Technically Dalton never asked me to be his girlfriend, so far we’re just dating, but a girl can hope. I’m waiting to see if he’ll ask.
When Dalton asks a girl to be his girlfriend, he gives her his spare jersey. I want that jersey. Bad. Why doesn’t he just ask me? We’ve been dating only each other for three weeks. I would guess just because he’s still getting over his ex, who was second prettiest in the school behind Sarah. It’s too bad she got caught with drugs and had to be sent to prison. Oh well.
I felt bad for Dalton, losing his girl friend of two years that way, but on the bright side, he could date me. I meant the bright side for me.
Dalton left after a very boring episode of “The Hills,” whoever made that show should feel like an awful person. When he officially was gone it was about 7:30. My mom was on the phone with her new boyfriend, so I decided to use my cell to call Lita.
Waiting…. Waiting…. “ come on Lita pick up!” Three more rings and she finally answered. “dude I can’t talk, send me a text,” then she hung up. Wow. Thanks Lita.
I took out my phone and started texting her.
Me- you loser! Y cant u talk?
Lita- cuz my dad said so
Me- well I don’t care
Lita- -.-
Me- anyways Dalton was over 
Lita- oh did you 2 you kno wink
Me- no
Lita- aw sux for u
Me- shut it lita
Lita- no
Me- wat ev
Lita- fine im busy gtg
Me- you sux… fine ttyl
I put down my phone at 8:15. I sighed, why does today have to end? I picked up my phone again and started to text Dalton.
Me- hey
Dalton- hey bby
Me- lol sup
Dalton- nothin. Just missin u
Me- awww ur so sweet
Dalton- I know
Me- lol
Dalton- hey I have a question for u
Me- ask me anything
Dalton- will you be my gf?
Me- omg yea…
Dalton- cool
Me- yea cool
Dalton- I g2g talk to u tomorrow
Me- bye
Oh my fudging god! I’m officially Dalton’s girlfriend. I can’t believe it, I looked at the clock 9:00pm on November 10th. Everyone I knew would be mad if I called them.
6am November 11th, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. That means bad news. I checked my phone, two new messages.
Lita- WOMAN! I cant believe what I heard from Becca who heard from Jenna who heard from Sarah that you and Dalton are officially a thing!!! Is it true?
Dalton- good mornin bby, want a ride to school?
I sighed and responded to both.
Me to Lita- its true, ok don’t text me back
Me to Dalton- ok thanks
I went downstairs to find my mom crying over the pan. Oh so it was her boyfriend again. Such an awful off again on again relationship, I almost felt bad for her. I grabbed a pop tart before she saw me and ran out the front door. I waited on the curb for him to come.
After five minutes of waiting a black GT Mustang pulled up in front of me. I loved Dalton’s car, it was fast. He got out and opened the door for me. I smiled, laying on the leather passenger seat was his spare jeresy, number 8, my favorite. “Put it on,” he said when he got in. He is tall, I could wear his jersey as a dress. I blushed, I was embarrassed of my shortness. He laughed, he thought I was cute when I blushed.
He started driving. I couldn’t stop staring at him. How can one boy be so cute? When we reached the school he turned off the car. No one was in the parking lot but us.
“You look great in my jersey,” he finally said. I blushed again, I’m sure it was somewhere between red and crimson. He laughed and started to kiss and suck, and oddly bite, on my neck. It felt good. After about ten minutes of him giving me a hickey and going up my shirt, half the parking lot was filled and his car was surrounded with people. Of course me being shy, blushed again.
He got out of the car when one of his friends knocked on the window. He walked around and opened the door for me. I was redder than a tomato.
He wrapped his arm around me, kissed my cheek, and started walking me into the school, because I was too dazed from his kiss before to be able to move.
Lita was waiting inside to steal me away from Dalton as usual, but now she saw me wearing the number 8 blue and gold jersey. She let me stay with him and didn’t bother me, but she sent me a text.
Lita- I want details during Spanish
Me- you already know from everyone else
Lita- that’s not what matters, I want the truth
Me- he’s my bf what else do you need to know?
Lita- idk, it’s a friend thing to ask for details
Me- wat ev, ttyl during la clase de espanol
Lita- ugh I hate Spanish ttyl
The whole time I was texting Lita, Dalton had me walking in circles so he could talk to his friends before class started. We had the same homeroom, so if he was late I was late, because I refused to leave his side.
Me and Dalton have almost all our classes together, except when I have Spanish he has French. He can speak French so well he makes me feel woozy and light headed when he speaks it.
The bell rang and Dalton stopped talking to his friends. We walked to homeroom together. Mr. Starks never paid attention to us during homeroom, so me and Dalton talked the whole time.
“So baby, do you remember if we had geometry homework last night?” I loved it when he called me baby. “Uhhh… yeah… I think, but I didn’t do it,” I did do part of it, until my head was about ready to explode. “Geometry isn’t my favorite subject,” I said while taking out my math book and note book. He laughed his deep heartwarming laugh, “well I think I finished it.” He took out his notebook and opened to today’s assignment, numbers, letters, and shapes, it didn’t make any sense to me.
“Ok you’re a mathematician,” he laughed again and my heart beat faster than a humming bird’s.
“Nah,” he said, “I just understand it.” “Oh whatever , you know you’re a genius.” He smiled and looked down at my assignment. “You need help?” he asked hoping to show off his smartness. I sighed and let him tell me how to determine the interior sums of a dodecagon. “Is this even a shape?” he laughed again, he never seemed to notice all the other girls around him laughing when he did. I scowled at the girls dying to touch his biceps, which looked like they could be a Greek god’s.
He saw the look on my face and started to notice his little fan club. “Ummmm… hi?” is all he could manage to say. The girls swooned, because he finally noticed them. I sighed and he bent over to kiss my cheek. I blushed and the girls gave up hope, for today at least.
“There,” he whispered in my ear, “are you happy now?” I looked into his beautiful eyes and couldn’t help but feel happy. “Yeah, thanks.” I smiled, he made me happy a lot.
On our way to biology, he decided to take a detour. He dragged me through the halls and down the stairs. “Dalton? Where are we going?” He only glanced at me and pulled me faster. I would follow him anywhere and he knew that, why was he dragging me?
When we reached the east door, where the student parking lot was, he dragged me outside and into the parking lot. I was scared now, “Dalton?” he pulled me faster again, and I was running to keep up. Finally we reached his car and he shoved me in the back seat.
Out of nowhere, Sarah was in the passenger’s seat. Me and Sarah were good friends, she’s the one that convinced me to ask out Dalton, but now I was scared of both her and Dalton.
“Did you tell her?” Sarah asked Dalton. “Not yet,” he replied.
I was so scared I was shaking, “DALTON?!?!” I managed to scream. “PLEASE!” I don’t know why, but I was crying.
Dalton started the car and ignored me. Sarah looked back and she was crying too. “What’s going on Sarah, please?” She sighed and looked at Dalton, “tell her now.”
He looked back at me in the rearview mirror, his eyes were wet with tears. “Ashley,” he talked slow, “I’m sorry… I love you so much but… I’ve been hiding something from you.”
I gasped, nothing felt worse than someone hiding something from me. “What is it?” I choked out.
He looked back at me, his face a portrait of despair. “I haven’t told you, that,” he sighed and took a deep breath, “that I am a…” I interrupted his pause, “a….?” He continued, “Ashley, me and Sarah are vampires.” My mouth dropped open. I covered my neck. “AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” I screamed really loud.
“Ashley relax,” Sarah said, “if we were going to drink your blood we would’ve done it by now.” I shot back, “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
Dalton crawled out of the driver’s seat, leaving the car running, and got with me in the back seat. I crammed myself into the corner and he took my hands anyways. “Ashley, I don’t want to lose you,” he kissed my hands. I couldn’t stop picturing him biting my hand and sucking all my blood, but he was still a gentleman, and he saw I was scared and backed off a bit.
Even though he was a blood sucking monster, I still loved him. I attacked him, kissing his face and neck, he was just that irresistible. He sighed, and frowned. “Huh? What? Why are you sad?” He sighed again, “Ashley, you find me irresistible don’t you?” Ok, that was weird, “uhhhh… yeah.” He frowned again, “Ashley, you don’t love me, you’re under a trance, every girl I meet falls into it.” I was shocked, “No. I’m sure I love you.” He sighed and rolled his eyes, like this wasn’t the first time he’s heard this.
“Dalton?” I asked, Sarah was now in the front seat putting the car in gear. “Hmmmm?” he asked. “Was it necessary to skip school to do this? You know, tell me you’re a vampire sort of thing?” He sighed, “Ashley, we’re leaving, and I refuse to leave without you, you may not love me, but I love you and I refuse to let you go.” I was getting mad at him for denying my love for him, “Why are we leaving?” He looked into my eyes, “don’t be scared please?” How could he tell I was scared? “We’re leaving because we’ve ran out of food.” He did those weird finger quotes around the word food.
I was grossed out at that point. I felt nauseous, about ready to puke. “Ashley, we only drink the blood of old and dying people, and well we’ve pretty much run out of those here. Plus we have to leave before people notice we don’t age.”
My pocket vibrated, “oh god, Lita.” I took out my phone, but when I did, Dalton threw it out the window. “Sarah lets go.” Dalton said after trashing my phone. I watched the school disappear behind me as Sarah put the pedal to metal.
“What did you expect me to do? Be your little pet, Dalton, My family will look for me.” He had an evil smile on his face, “Sarah has the ability to hypnotize people. She’ll make your family and everyone you know forget you.”
“Dalton?” I was beginning to panic, “what about me? I’m human… I’ll die eventually.” Dalton smiled bigger, “its simple really, me and Sarah will turn you into a vampire, so you can be with me forever.” All of a sudden, I felt good, the thought of being with Dalton forever, was just too good to pass up.
Dalton laughed and I couldn’t resist, I started to kiss him again. I couldn’t help it, I was going to stay with my Dalton forever. Life couldn’t get any better.
After 10 minutes of making out, Dalton pushed me off. “Awhh…” I said while pouting. “Ashley, turning into a vampire is a big commitment,” he said, “Are you sure you can handle it?” I replied faster than I could think, “yes I’m sure. Was it necessary to stop kissing me to ask?” He laughed again, god I loved his laugh. “I guess not,” he smiled.
Before I knew it, he was attacking me with his lips, on my neck, my cheek, and every other piece of bare skin showing. I love his lips, I love everything about him.
I didn’t know where we were going and how long we’d be gone, but I was ok with it. Because I love Dalton, and I’d follow him anywhere.
I don’t remember falling asleep, but this had to be a dream. Dalton and Sarah were standing over me, Dalton looked scared and Sarah looked excited.
I was lying on a table in a motel room off highway 192. The lights were dimmed and the curtains were closed. “Ashley?” Dalton asked me. “Yes?” I was trying not to hyperventilate, I don’t like getting my blood drawn, and I can’t imagine losing all of it. “Emily, now would be a great time to close your eyes.” I decided to take his advice and shut my eyes.
I felt him put his lips on my neck, someone was holding my hand, guessing on the size, I bet it was Sarah. Dalton licked my neck, and kissed it softly. “Do it before I change my mind.” Sarah giggled, but then stopped, I assumed Dalton was giving her the “death stare.”
Dalton slowly parted his lips, I could feel his teeth on my neck. Dalton sighed, and Sarah squeezed my hand. Then Dalton bit my neck. I squirmed, it was uncomfortable, but not too painful.
Dalton groaned and moaned. “Sarah?” I asked. “What?” “Why is he being so noisy?” Sarah laughed, “Ashley, he hasn’t had fresh young blood to drink for decades. It’s delicious to him, like the best tasting food ever.” I sighed and closed my eyes tighter. “Is he going to drink it all?” Sarah sighed, “yes, he has to, or… you’ll just die and not become one of us.”
I shivered, I was getting cold. Sarah patted my hand “almost done now Ashley, just hold still, its going to hurt, but don’t scream.”
Suddenly I got tired. I felt a chill running through my body. I couldn’t feel a thing. I heard Dalton breathing heavily. Out of nowhere my heart hurt, it sent pain bursting through my veins. Nothing but a stinging burning sensation.
Dalton stopped and backed off my neck, he whispered in my ear, “Ashley, when you wake up, I’ll be here, I’ll take care of you.” Then it went black.
My thought came back to me, there was no more pain. I couldn’t move or talk though, but I could hear.
“How much longer Sarah?” I heard Dalton’s voice, full of worry. “Not much longer,” she replied. “Sarah, she tasted so good.” Sarah laughed, “Don’t get used to it.” Dalton didn’t laugh. I was beginning to get the feeling back in my limbs. Dalton was holding my hand, I sighed.
Dalton gasped, “Sarah! Did you hear her sigh?” I bet Sarah was rolling her eyes, “yes Dalton, she probably can hear and feel now. Won’t be long till she opens her eyes and talks.” Dalton’s lips were at my ear, “Hey baby, I’m here.” My eyes flew open.
My eyes adjusted immediately to the light. Everything was so crisp, so clean, like my eyes were in HD. I remembered Dalton was next to me, I looked over at him, I gasped.
I remember what Dalton looked like, this man was much more beautiful, “Dalton?” The beautiful man smiled, “hey baby.” I couldn’t believe my eyes “Dalton!” I screamed and hugged him.
He looked shocked, “Ashley, do you still love me?” I looked into his beautiful face, not a single flaw, “Yes Dalton, I love you more than anything.” Dalton smiled, “then I guess that the trance wasn’t the only reason you love me, because it doesn’t affect other vampires.”
Sarah came out, looking twice as beautiful as the sexiest super model ever, she was carrying a mirror. “Ashley, when I show you yourself, don’t freak.” I laughed, she knew me all too well. She put the mirror in front of my face. I couldn’t breathe, I was gorgeous. I still had brown hair and brown eyes, but my face had no flaws! I’ve never felt pretty till now.
“Dalton! I’m pretty!” He laughed and started to kiss me all over. “You’ve always been pretty to me.” it was then I realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes. “Dalton? Why am I naked?” He looked down then to the left, “uhhh…. Sarah wanted to put you in some cooler clothes. It’s going to be warm where we’re going.” I saw him staring at my chest, so I glared at him. He coughed and looked off to the side again. “Ashley your clothes are in the bathroom,” Sarah said when she realized Dalton was having too much “fun.”
I walked into the bathroom and saw my clothes sitting on the counter. Knock…. Knock… “Ashley, can I come in?” Dalton said from behind the door. “Sure I guess, but I’m not done yet.” He walked in and grabbed my hand. “Sarah’s gone,” he said, “she left to find something to eat, we’ll be alone for awhile.” I knew if my heart could beat it’d be beating a million miles a minute. “Uh-huh,” I said. “And I was wondering, if you wanted to…test the bed?” he said shyly.
I didn’t even bother to answer, I just walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. He followed and sat next to me.
“So uh-” he started, but I stopped him by kissing him. He backed me off him. “Ashley, I love you more than anything… EVER!” He looked so serious. “I love you too Dalton,” I started kissing his neck again.
“Wow! Really?” Sarah said when she got back and saw me under her cousin. “I didn’t think you’d be back this early, Sarah…” Dalton said back, running short of breath. If I had blood my face would be dark red.
“I’m sorry Sarah.” I said not able to look her in the eyes. “It’s ok Ashley, I don’t blame you.” She said while starring at Dalton. He laughed. Dalton was still on top of me. I pushed him, but he didn’t move. “I’m not done yet ,” he said in response to my push.
“EW!” Sarah said and she ran out the front door.
I looked out the window of Dalton’s mustang, we were on our way to a new place, but they wouldn’t tell me where. “Dalton? Are you sure you don’t want to tell me where we’re going?” I fluttered my eye lids and gave him puppy eyes. “No, Sarah wants it to be a surprise,” he said ignoring my cuteness. “Grrrr…” I said to Sarah while glaring at her.
Dalton was driving with me in the front and Sarah in the back. Sarah was mad because I got to sit in shot-gun.
“Sarah, please tell me where I’m going,” I asked nicely. “Let’s just say those years of Spanish you took, might be useful,” she finally said. “Well that’s helpful,” I said, and she giggled.


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