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EG's Journal
Anything and everything within you and without you. Read it if you want.
Everyone is Right.
Einstein once said that if you travel at the speed of light, you can indeed go back in time. I just watched a documentary on Ancient Civilizations and their connection with extra terrestrial life. I had a great, great realization.
If indeed there is a possible way to travel the speed of light, which can be invented in the future, and if traveling at the speed of light is indeed how you must get to another planet, then how do you get back to Earth?
If you travel at the speed of light, you go back in time.
It must be a huge shock to the ones who have gone back in time and tried to return to Earth. Being sited by prehistoric civilizations, and then believing them to be Gods from the heavens! They leave traces in the civilizations.
All religions have started this way.
It's impossible to build pyramids without lifting equipment thousands of years ahead of the Egyptian's time. This has been PROVEN!
It's nearly impossible to find a buffalo with a bullet in his head over 20,000 years old.
Or is it?
In all ancient scriptures, it tells of human Gods who come to Earth in a burst of smoke and fire to help in building the great civilizations, then disappearing into the heavens claiming to be back one day.
It makes perfect sense to me!
Noah's ark has now these days been claimed to have been electric. The side panels were. Voice boxes were programmed into the sides.
They've found silicon in a Mayan ruin.

After scientists of the future figure this out; maybe even in the near future!; they can send back the tools and knowledge to help the Egyptians and Mayans and Indians. They can tell the Aztecs that their great city will be in a lake with a serpent in its mouth! They can move great statues and blocks with perpetual motion devices! Accurate pictures of space ships and space men have been drawn and depicted in early literature for millions of years! On Easter Island, it was said that THEIR statues were said to have "moved themselves".

Could Jesus have been one of these scientists? He could walk on water and perform miracles of healing. The ancient people could have been exaggerating and he could have healed them with modern medicines!

Jesus and Quetzalcoatl both said "I'll be back". And technically, if my theory is correct, they will be. They definitely will be! If they were born in oh, say, 2257, when 2257 comes around again, they will be born once again, and the cycle repeats itself! History. repeats. Itself.

Also, UFO sightings have been reported, but they have never landed. They have quickly gone away. That's because they didn't travel to a planet far enough away and when they have come back, they haven't gone back in time far enough to be needed in any way. So they have disappeared to a different time, as they are not needed in today's modern civilizations, because now we are on the right track.

My dad used to tell me that everything is written out, and we are just playing by a script. Perhaps we are. Think about it.