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eh? EH?
umm.. umm... i don't even know why i am making a daily journal because it is very girly and such. Girls please don't take offense. I think this is more like a blog anyways. For people that don't know a blog is where you post insignificant useless facts about your life such as "my dog threw up on my baby sister. HAHA it was hilarious!". Not really but if it did happen i would have to clean the puke. not funny.

Hey little sister, are you reading my blog? If you are and did not read the first paragraph 2nd to last sentence... well yeah that pretty much sums it up. I was just kidding about the puking though... don't take that part seriously.

Guess what i have to take a math camp thing that supposedley 'improves' your math skills. I think its bogus (who uses the word bogus anymore. no one...thats who). So right now as you read this journal i am doing my math homework. Fun not fun? Whoever thinks math is fun please tell me why it intrigues you so much in a comment below. Thank you

anyways my summer is going great! how about yours? good, bad, loving it, makes me want to puke? well whatever it is post a comment on what you think.

I have spent minutes of my life writing this journal blog. Please leave tips in the plastic jar. Yes that one with the cockroach on it. Mhm that's the one. Tips please anyone? Eh? EH??

shad ghoderif
Community Member
shad ghoderif
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  • [07/04/10 11:25pm]

  • User Comments: [2] [add]
    shad ghoderif
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Jul 04, 2010 @ 11:26pm
    mhm i hate math... don't find it interesting at all... nope

    commentCommented on: Sun Jul 04, 2010 @ 11:34pm
    I do take alittle offense and im not a baby confused . very nice very nice . evil i like math kinda in my grade cuz it is really easy! rofl . I LIKE CHEESE CUZ IT MADE FROM DAIRY

    Community Member
    User Comments: [2] [add]