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EG's Journal
Anything and everything within you and without you. Read it if you want.
Life is so cruel upon taking me out of my old swimteam!
gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk
Okay so I went to the BAD meet today in Macon (same place as the GA Games).
And btw we aren't "BAD" any longer we're "PAD" because instead of Baldwin County we are Putnam County- it ******** sucks.
So I wore my BAD suit and s**t. And I'm glad I did because NOBODY from the rapids was there.

So I show up and I see Andrew right off so I'm like "SKLDJF:SKLDJ:LGKJSDF TwT"
and he waved frantically at me. And then I saw Brandon and I was also like "GSLKDJFSDHFKLSJDHF! TwT" and so I hugged him and was like "OMG I MISSED YOU SKDLJF:LSKDJF" and then I saw G.W. and I didn't really take much note of him, because I don't want to seem weird because, y'know he doesn't like affection or some s**t like that as I remember. But I was still like "..omg <33 slkdfj"

So I sat my chair down under our tent and as soon as I did, all the BAD kids formed a circle around me. <3 OH LAWD I MISSED THEM. And obviously they missed me. I totally saw Brandon's hidden grin when he first noticed that I was there. <3

So I chatted with Andrew and got up to date on the team an' s**t. All I wanted to do the whole time was snuggle all of them. gonk

Okay then so we warmed up an' s**t. And then we talked about stuff and stuff and then we swam and stuff and stuff and I got 3 1st places and 2 2nd places and we went to the playground to find the dirty words that were etched on there last time we were there and stuff. And I pushed a little girl on a swing and stuff.

Of course nothing really changed much while I was gone. G lost some weight and he's lookin' pretty good imo. c: Though, he was always a cutie. Andrew is getting older, obviously, he looks different. I hope he looks like his brother when he hits 17. Brandon got chubbier and less adorable. XD Joseph isn't AS tiny as he was. Andre didn't change. Keaira looks the same. Lollie looks the same.

I'm so glad they missed me.

Then at the end of the meet it was kind of a sad farewell. I hugged G and he hugged me back tight. >w< And then I hugged Andrew and he was all akward. And I was like "You're not good with hugs are you? XD" and he was like "Ohwellsometimesigetnervouswhengirlscomeuptohugme" Poor thing. And I didn't get to hug Brandon, but I'll see them all in 2 weeks.

I love them so much! <3