I feel sooo full and tired atm!! gonk
I had to go to this friend's house to do the french project.. we had to make candles.. XD homemade ones.. and well since I didn't know where her house was, I was going to wait in this place and another girl was going to take me. Soo.. I went with my mom to the mall.. and she was looking for things for her plants and stuff.. -.- and well.. after that we went to the meeting place.. and well my mom bought stuffs from a friend's store and only his sister was there.. XD and we talked a bit.. then we went around.. and I bought school things and saw a friend!! 8D then I was on the electric stairs and saw a guy I knew.. and I waved at him and he waved back. xD then.. we went to the market to buy stuffs to eat and man.. that place was pretty nasty.. compared to the other one that's near my house.. XD the thing is that after a lot of time.. my mom was getting annoyed 'cuz nobody came to pick me up.. and finally they did.. we went to the house.. we did the candle.. :/ a lot of hard work just to make a simple candle.. x_x frustrating.. D: then we finally left.. I went to the meeting place.. soo my mommy would pick me up.. I saw this guy.. a cute one.. xD I know who he is, but he doesn't know me.. hahaha and he was with this girl from school and I didn't know if I had to wave at her or not.. sooo I didn't :/ I guess she forgot who I was or something.. soo I didn't want to embarrased myself.. then I saw the cousin of my cousin with her mom and she waved at me.. XD lol! well.. yeahh I saw pretty much a lot of peeps.. well random peeps :/
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101mil/too much

gimme your black silk boxers please? emotion_dowant
love avi arts 4laugh
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