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anti-coyote's other form of rambling I have an LJ, but I felt like doing this too.

Community Member
Wow my first.
So lets make this good, unlike some 1st we may have experienced and not liked much..... xd

Gaia journal, it's not like I use gaia much anyways. sweatdrop But.. oh well. Here we go...

Dear Gaia Journal,

Today was my second day of no power at my apartment. Luckily Dave's mom is uber nice and lets me use my compy at her house. ^^ So I packed it and brought it over. We are also sleeping here since its to hot at home to stay there. My mommy is very upset about it, says my "situation" isn't looking to good to her. It's not my fault the powers not on, they took my money and they are supposed to have it on. It's just... not yet.
So that adds to the "bad things Anti has going for her." On my mom's list. She already thinking I'm poor because I let my phone bill run up and didn't pay it. Oh well, I hated people calling me all the time anyways. If you really need to get a hold of me... i have a cell phone. And email.
Well thank you Gaia Journal for letting me... umm talk?
Night. heart