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stories of my mind.
I plan to write a variety of story and even publish the one's i already written unto this jornal. I hope i will recieve props on what people think of my story.
Espereths Prefeace
Sometimes, you just got to get away from the bad. That's how I felt after everything started crashing down on me. I lost my job at BIO-TECH, incorprated.
It all seemed to start on an August morning in the year 2025. The world was a disaster, people screaming and cursing at each other, and yelling the world is coming to an end...That's when I soon discovered the truth. Robots were not sent here to protect us and do our jobs. They were here to recruit us to join the military and use the robots as weapons for war. For one, I will never participate in the military's manipulative impulses. I will do away with the government and BIO-TECH for supplying civilians with everyday warfare. I shall start my own revolt; I shall call it ESPERETHS. Our goal shall be to take down BIO-TECH and the government. So if a war is needed, then we shall engage. The price for freedom doesn't come free, so we may need to shed some blood for the cause.

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