Thalassa was born on the hidden island of the nymphs, off the coast of Greece. Her mother one of the queen nymph's hand maidens. Her father an Undine male who visited the island with his clan during a great solstice celebration. Her mother loved her and treasured her dearly and always tried to shelter her,and to keep her from the world but was often busy helping the queen, and Thalassa , or Thala as her mother called her, spent her time with the palace guards, being shunned by the other children her age for her mixed parentage. The guards would tell her stories of the world and secretly taught her to harness the power of water. She loved her mother and the guard who were her only friends but she grew restless with her shelters life on the island. The month of her 20th birthday, on the night of the new moon, she stole away into the night and rode the waves into the nearest village, ready to explore the world. Finally find her true self.