View User's Journal | Gaia Journals | Gaia Online

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View User's Journal

I don't know. Only stalkers actually read what your Journal Title is....Stalker.
I really am excited for certain things...

OK...Well..I have questions! And I need answers..You don't have to answer them though if you don't want.
1) Why do people fall in love?
2) When should you tell someone you love them?
3) Why am I here?
4) Why are the stars bright when I can't be?
5) What makes a hero, a hero?
6) Can I sing randomly?
7) Will I ever be accepted by people?
8 ) Who will ever love me?
9) Am I fat? (I am)
10)Why do we always have long distance crap?
11)Why can't people just stay together?
12)Why does the past get in the way?
13)Should I tell my friends that I love them to death?
14)Should I EVER say what I feel?
15)Will they understand when I cry?
16)Will I ever be strong?
17)Why is there murder in this world?
1 cool Why can't we just love each other for who we are?
19)Why does anyone even care?
20)Why do I have such amazing friends?

Answer the questions D: I need answers.

...But you're not that certain thing.