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*sorry i haven't updated for a while writers block STINKS!!!!! but it's bak now 4laugh IT'S GOT A TITLE!!

*story on the spot tell me if I should continue

Chapter 1
13 years ago

The person backed away and cowered into the corner with pure terror in his eyes, shaking rapidly, he grabbed the gun off the dirt ground a pointed it at me. I smirked and stared at my hand. he was going to die and I was going to kill him, no question about it, after all it was my life, my purpose, my very being was to end the lives that the master wanted.
“p-please I’ve got k-k-kids a wife, hey kid I’ll give you money lots and lots of money to buy some nice candy w-what you say huh kid?“ I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand people at all why did they sound so frantic when I was about kill them? I’ve wanted to be them, to escape, to be discarded from masters hand, to cut the strings he had tied to me. I had learned at a young age that the master didn’t like when I ran, when I ran he would come to see me and take it off. The only thing that kept my sanity. It was a collar, a leather collar on the outside with hooks on the inside to keep it in place, I loved it. I didn’t care that it had grown to be a part of my body it was just like my hands they were also mutated, in fact none of me was normal. I am a monster, a killing monster born to do nothing, be nothing except the master’s toy. I hate- no I loathed the master, and yet I could not disobey him. He was everything I had ever known, everything and even more. I was part of him but I did not know if he was a part of me. A voice came from the little black box in the corner of the room.
“What are you doing?” it was the master’s voice! “silly, silly beast I want you to kill him… hurry up please” the master almost sang in his usual gleeful tone, sickening and refreshing at the same exact time. The master’s sigh echoed from the black box
“well, I’ll just have to take your collar off,”
In less than a second his head was severed from his body and it rolled across the dirt until it hit a pebble. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. With blood on my hands, on my claws, I stared at them with unchanging eyes, I had to do it or else even more people including him would die an even worse death.

The black box spoke with the master’s voice again
“ahhh thank you soooo much” the childish voice almost smiled at me and made me drunk with his praise “so as much as I’d love to turn into bed I need one itsy bitsy favor” I was too drunk with the master’s praise to notice the automatic door slide open, even with my heightened senses, until I heard the black box speak again. I realized that there was a woman with a ripped cloth covering her body. She was holding two young boys. One smelled about seven, the other only three or four. The older one was a bit younger. Then I was I think I’m eight maybe younger… oh well I’m pretty sure that I just need to separate them.
“ahhh yes beast, honey, I want you to kill them but leave one alive,” the voice cut off. One of the them? But they were so young only four and seven, to be scared like that, there was more to this the master wants one to live. He probably wants’ them to suffer. The master does that when he’s bored sometimes. But something about this family seemed just a little bit off. The woman who smelled like the mother suddenly pushed her kids, clinging to each other, in the form of a shield, smiling and crying in desperation.
“kill them please kill them not me!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, her voice cracked . “I can have more kids and I’ll spoil those kids these things were nothing but a burden” she pushed her kids aside and thrust herself into my leg and leeched herself to it, still crying and smiling. She had gone insane. “ they’re just es-especially the little one-,” and then she said it. The word I hated so much I could enjoy killing…


The laughing woman who had crossed to insanity had said the word I hated the most, to her own kids. That just made my hatred grow. It made it grow into the corpse that now lay before me. My went hand straight though the woman’s chest and I the twisted the heart from her chest and crushed the heart in my hand. The annoying beating sound stopped and silence came. As I took my arm out of the woman’s limp half kneeling state I remembered the two boys in the corner the older boy was covering the younger brothers eyes with a look I had never seen on any of the people I had killed before. It looked like hatred but stronger… to the point the stare rippled through my skin and crawled into my memories. I noticed the smaller boy was unaware of what was going on so I would let him live, he would not remember this painful experience. I expected the older boy to push him in the way like the mother did but instead he scooped up the boy in his arms and ran towards the door. I then grabbed the older boy’s shoulder. The boy turned around and spat in my face then kicked me in the stomach. It knocked the wind out of me, this kid was not the same as the other people I had killed in the past, he fought to live, not beg. I took his arm and pinned him down, then threw the other boy across the room. I looked at the black box for an answer.
“Ahhhhhh, I understand my beast you have taken a liking to this child. I will let him live but what fun would it be to just let him go as it is.” the master said with an almost innocent sigh “boy u see the thing in the beast’s neck? If you take that you and your brother go will unharmed. Come ooooon lets do it! Lets make a deal?”
The boy had the same look on his face but then it relaxed and slowly grew into a smirk, a look of evil.
“Now why should I believe that? You gave me no signs of trust.” then he dropped his smile and lost all emotions “But Dan better appreciate this.” he grabbed the collar and ripped the needles from my skin. As my own blood scattered in the dust ridden air the world seemed to blur and turned into a muddle of grey. Until all I could see was black and streaks of warm thick red.


Brothers Dan and Ryan

I clutched Dan in my arms, I wouldn’t let him get hurt he was just about to turn four. Even though he was four he had a learning disability so he probably didn’t understand what was happening but I did. I had known for quite a while that our dad was a chief of the second biggest trader of cocaine and weapons for almost three months, you can get away with a lot when your parents just ignore you and think your a stupid seven year old. But we were rich, and I didn’t think they would go after Mom and Dan, darn. I expected some heavy buff, sumo wrestlers or some matrix dudes in suits with big scary bazookas but instead there was some kid, my age, only seven years old! What in gods name was going on?! When I looked closer this guy was not normal. He was wearing some dirty white slacks that looked like they were about to disintegrate off his body and turn to dust, but what I found even weirder was that he was wearing a pristine unbuttoned black tuxedo jacket over a grey T-shirt that read “GO GATORS” and some white/yellowish socks. I saw his hand was covered in red and below him lay my father in pieces I covered Dan’s eyes and Mom clutched both of us close to her. That’s why she was mom, beautiful and gentle. This was Mom after all, she was kind and brave. She made us cookies when our tummies were rumbling and made the monster under the bed wet his pants. She was everything in my life, her and Dan were everything. I heard a voice from a intercom in the corner of the room, no this was more of an arena. The room was an octagon shape with no windows and Greek columns lining the entrance which was a metal automatic sliding door. The marble walls were quite stunning but the ground was dirt which didn’t make sense in my eyes after all this room must have taken millions- no billions of dollars because the there was even seats like in a real coliseum that people could watch the manslaughter, I grimaced in disgust. I was snapped back into the real world when I heard the person on the intercom talk
“ahhh yes beast, honey, I want you to kill them but leave one alive,” now I knew just what danger I was in. That’s when mom started crying hysterically and pushed me and Dan out in front of her, like a sacrificial lamb. She screamed
“Kill them please kill them not me!” I felt my heart stop. What? “I can have more kids and I’ll spoil those kids these things were nothing but a burden!” What? I felt something hard growing pit of my stomach. It made my body shake and filled my body with adrenaline burning like acid. Mom- no- not anymore she wasn’t human any more she was laughing like a hyena, crawling like a dog begging for her pathetic excuse for a life. And that’s when I realized she was nothing more than a filthy dog a beast that becomes submissive when a creature stronger then them comes along. That’s when I realized all of them, every last one of them were beasts in human skin. People betray people that’s the game. I would beat it and this thing was only the beginning.
“They’re just, es-especially the little one -,” I looked at her lips, her once perfect red lipstick, smudged I read her lips as she said the needle like word “cripples”. no, no, no, Dan not Dan. When the monster pierced his mutated hand though her chest I felt a crooked smile spread across my face. I didn’t know why I should have been crying or screaming or begging but, it felt happy almost. Like a fly was just out of my life buzzing it’s last tune. I kept that wicked face until Dan tugged my shirt and whimpered a little bit. That’s right I gotta get Dan out of here, fast. The intercom spoke, and the almost childlike voice once again appeared commenting on what this so called ‘beast’ did on his killing. When the beast’s eyes looked at me I noticed they were like a rabid dog. He came towards me and I subconsciously glared at him I didn’t know what exactly my 7 year old body could do but…couldn’t hurt to try. As the beast took a step towards me sweet acid adrenaline burst inside my blood and gave me the strength I grabbed Dan in my arms and made a mad dash towards the exit. I immediately found this to be an error because I soon found myself pinned on the floor by this beast like kid who was practically the same height as me. I saw it’s eyes filled with uncertainty and almost pain, the whites of his eyes were black and the iris was red. His stained black hair ran all the way to his shoulders. It truly was something out of a hellish nightmare he parted his lips revealing sharp teeth individually a centimeter apart like a wolf or a rabid dog. I didn’t know what to do at this point but he threw Dan to the other side of the room and Dan started crying. That’s when he stared me down and I showed him a face, a person I didn’t know existed, this new person’s face felt sour almost twisted and I felt his burning eyes. The beast looked down and shaded his eyes from me. I spat his face and kicked him in the stomach with all my force. He tumbled down and the other person smirked using my face. I ran as fast as I could to Dan but I was thrown to the ground once again. I lay pinned on the ground for minutes suffocating in silence. I felt cold when the room was hot, airless when air was there. The voice on the intercom spoke once again but the beast kept staring at me without distraction.
“Ahhhhhh, I understand my beast you have taken a liking to this child. I will let him live but what fun would it be to just let him go as he is.” what was this guy babbling about? “boy u see the thing in the beast’s neck? If you take that you and your brother go will unharmed. Come ooooon lets do it! Lets make a deal!” it was like a four year old asking for an ice cream cone in that sickeningly refreshing tone. But it looked like my only hope, I smirked using not the other persons, no, my own face a twisted half smile just like the one father had when he counted his filthy blood stained cash, by the thousands.
Now why should I believe that? You gave me no signs of trust.” I dropped my twisted face and threw anyway all emotions “But Dan better appreciate this.” I grabbed the collar and ripped it from his skin his blood splattered my face a little bit but not much blood was lost. Then something I didn’t expect happened. The true beast had been unleashed and I was the idiot who did it.

Chapter 2
End of a dream begging of a nightmare

I ripped the collar from the beast and his skin went with it, it tore from his neck. At first it felt pain, I saw it in those black eyes, pain, a greater pain than I had ever seen. I could feel pity swelling in my chest crushing my heart. And then the monsters eyes dulled into 2 oval puddles of grayish pink, dead emotionless eyes closed and the beast fell prey to his own weight as he fell he crushed my right arm. A searing pain shot through it. I took a gasp of air only to cough up the dust ridden air that surrounded us. I crawled out from under him and stood up. I looked him up and down, only then did I realize how small he was, only an inch taller then me. Tears formed in my eye, I became completely overwhelmed with anger. A bomb had exploded in in my mind and I became utterly and entirely mad. I cried and laughed I didn’t know why but I was it’s like when you twitch or flinch, your body just does it. I grabbed the boy by the shoulder to face me.
“ look whose so smart now huh?” I said in a shaky voice “huh, what’s that, oh wait you are dead” I violently bashed the boy kicking him with all my might screaming “did you enjoy killing them, oh don’t lie you enjoyed it I-I” my voice started to crack “why, huh? I could of killed them myself they could have died themselves why!?”
The intercom flipped on, the room once filled with my own pleading screams filled with a snort as if he was trying to hold in a laugh, but it didn’t work he sang between his full blown laughter
“you fell for it, you fell for you thought you beat me but I was right and you were wrong, yay!” he continued his tune the childish laugh turned my stomach inside out. Suddenly I heard sounds, there was a presence, I was afraid to turn my head, I shut my eyes tight.
“that depends what do you want me to say?”
I opened my eyes and saw an absolute miracle, how? He was so different, I could recognize it as a human being. His sinister black eyes were now white and his bloody irises were now a dull brown. His teeth were that of any person off the street but his hands…they were still the same disgusting appendages.
“surprised?” it spoke, before it couldn’t understand half the words I was saying and now it’s spouting out full sentences! “I am too to be all honest , I always hate when the other guy turns soft” other guy? Who’s the other guy?!? “but you know it’s a shame about your’ arm,” he walked up to me. I froze in complete fear, I didn’t know why but even though his appearance changed the better he somehow was even more terrifying than before. “what a waste such smooth skin even for our age” he brushed the back of his fingers to my shoulder and gently slid them across my arm, slowly, suffocating, withering, and that moment it would be forever dead. It took it’s rusty metal claws and ripped my arm from the socket. For a second I felt nothing, saw nothing, I thought I had died for a moment. I felt it yet I still couldn’t scream. I screamed in silence, cried without tears. Yet I bled and bled and bled more and more until I heard someone whisper in my ear
“fun wasn’t it I thoroughly enjoyed myself, thank you for the present by the way I found it a unique gift to say the least. Oh and by the way,” he held my face and looked in my eyes “I loved the moment I ripped your mommy’s smoke filled heart”
I took my remaining arm and grabbed the monster by the hair.
“re-re-really I-I-I thought you were bad before” I took a breath and smiled “now your just p- pathetic”
“you b*****d!” he retorted he than flipped me onto my back and took his rusted claws and carved into my back. At that moment I felt dizzy and fading shapes swirled as pain filled and the world and black filled my vision, black and my own red.

The beast…

I woke up when a collar was snapped around my neck. I turned to see a bleeding boy, the one who had fought against me passed out. I looked down and saw red I couldn’t see two arms on the one boy, I counted one, one, one over and over there was only one arm. I turned around and saw it…across the room. Suddenly my eyes stung, then I felt something warm running down my face. I wiped it on my hand and saw it was water. Water? Why am I leaking then I looked at the boy again and more water came, my heart ached and throbbed as if another heart had grown on top of it. If I had killed so many people why did one more matter. I felt myself drop to the ground and I whimpered and leaked over the bleeding child. The automatic doors opened and I saw my master franticly rush to my side and he wrapped his arms around me, as if to stop me from braking he whispered a “shush” sound and whispered incoherent words to my ears. This is why I loved him, he was a father I had never had but I hated him for making me kill that boy in the first place, not just the boy the mother, the father all of them. I couldn’t let that boy die I can’t let that boy die. I pushed the master away and grabbed the bleeding boy and forced him into masters arms still leaking in hysterical breaths. He smiled a warm smile and spoke soft words “I’ll make sure he lives.” he stood up slowly taking his time, he turned to me with an expecting glance so I stood up straighter than usual and as he threw the boy like a sack over his shoulder I marched behind him. I followed noticing his features more than usual. He always had a grin or at least smirk on his face but today his eyes were full of worry with his jaw tight and teeth clenched together in a slant. I wondered why, maybe it was because I had stained his black suit? I really liked his suit it was black with gold squiggles in swirls in contrast to his plain black pants then I noticed his hat was black with a short brim and a red ribbon. His shimmering gold hair billowed out of his hat in a messy boyish disarray and his bangs were long and straight enough so that they covered his eyes if he looked down, now that I thought about it he looked like one of those guys in the thin slippery books with the suits he wears. We entered the room. The same one I gained my hands. The same room with nothing but table and knives.

(.._/) (.._/)
(o.x) (>.o)
(“ “)♥(“ “)

my army of pink bunnies =3

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