It was hot out, so I thought that the dogs (Little dog, Lela, the miniature oldest. Max, biiiiig dog, the chocolate lab puppy) might like to come inside and lie down in their cages.
Well, I was in a hurry because my mom was outside and was going to drive me to her house, so I forgot to put the extra lock on Max's cage.
My sister calls me and it turns out that Max got free and broke everything in the house, and he pooped, too. My dad, because he throws up at the smell, can't even go inside.
WELL excuse me for trying to do good. Lela did the same thing when she wasn't crating (She used to roam free around the house, but then we got Max and crating them both seemed fair, and this way Lela can have a midnight snack in her cage); Lela actually opened a locked door and spread toilet paper around the house.