This day blows!! gonk It sucks a lot man!!  My sister is still sick.. she said she wanted to faint.. my right ear is hurting more than before.. >_> but right now it's alright.. haven't told anybody of it.. 'cuz I don't want them to worry.. well.. Today is a free day for everyone in here because it's the day the new president of our country will take posession of the country and stuff.. they're airing everything on TV right now.. but since I ain't a politics fan.. I ain't watching it neither my parents.. my mommy is watching Bull Fighting and my daddy is out.. dunno where but he wanted to go out.. >_> Our 50" TV is not working today.. and that's soo sad!! crying It's not even one year old.. and it's already damaged?!!! =/ The thing is that.. when I started using my laptop today.. I was all ok.. and then all of a sudden everything is gone and it's all black like when it's turn off!! And I was like WT-?!!! scream I was really freaked out 'cuz then I saw that the charger was no longer charging and it was all of a sudden and soo weird!! I though I broke it and stuff.. and I was like whoot?! My laptop too?!! DD= Like the TV??!! GUEEZ!! gonk The thing is that.. since the big TV from my parents' room wasn't working they made my brother install the old one.. the smallest.. that is now "my brother's TV".. and well.. my mommy is watching the asian drama there.. >_> We were watching it yestrerday night.. my sister is now coughing and coughing.. I hope she gets better.. >_> Ok.. going back to my laptop's subject.. they were trying to install the old TV.. and like it wasn't working..a nd well something a breaker.. and stuff.. and the thing use to plug in stuff.. was the one that wasn't working.. soo I was a bit relief.. 'cuz then I thought that my laptop wasn't the one broken but the thing use to plug in stuffs.. soo then.. after a while.. I plugged it and turned on my laptop and TADDA!!! Here I am!! cool I'm really f*cked up right now.. 'cuz that mule of mine..that's actually not mine.. but another girl's who gave it to me a while ago.. she like took away the items who someone else sent me as a donation1 scream she took EVERYTHING that girl gave me.. and I like calculated the amount of gold of the items she gave me and it was around 40k!!! SOO I'm OBVIOUSLY REALLY ANGRY AND F*CKED UP!! gonk I won't use that anymore... D< well if I do.. I'll make sure nobody send me any trade besides me! D< Like.. she has done it before.. but with the gold I used to make and leave there.. but now that ain't gonna happen 3 times!!!!!!!!!! stressed
Aboobination · Wed Jul 01, 2009 @ 08:45pm · 0 Comments |