smile : Um...Hi again ...It's me Time_is_but_a_wish here to tell you more of my interesting life......YAY!!!!!!! wahmbulancedramallamawahmbulancedramallama
Well for starters it's summer the time where everyone is happy and hot and Ice cream is one of the top sellers and School is at an halt and you don't have to get up until 3 in the afternoon unless you have a job and all that good stuff I'm happy because I'm out of school and its long days of seeing the same boring ppl. (that's short for people) Um so ..... These are some movies I want to see later on this year Transformers 2 -most definatley -I never thought robots could look so cool until Transformers came out Twilight: New Moon - Majorly in love with the movie heartheartheartheart -Although I didn't read books stressed ..................and that's just about it so thanks for reading bye
~The definition of change is in the eye of the beholder... ~Time