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EG's Journal
Anything and everything within you and without you. Read it if you want.
Music Rant
I am SO sick and tired of people telling me that my taste in music sucks. First of all, I don't give a flying crap what you think so just stfu and leave my tastes alone! I don't trash your music, so don't trash mine. >.> The music I listen to is perfectly fine!!!!! I don't wanna hear anything thing else about 'that crappy music' that I listen to. I don't care if you are like "Ew you listen to rock" "That Music is so old" yes I do listen to rock, yes it is old. Just because some music is old, doesn't mean it's bad!!!
And yes, my favorite band is The Beatles. What say do you have? The Beatles sold the most albums out of any band in history so yes they are considered one the 'best band of all time.' I know you want to prove me wrong, but you can't! Ok? I know you think other bands are better and I respect your opinions :3 You can believe what you want. Just don't tell me I'm wrong!
And before you guys ask, YES I LISTEN TO BLUEGRASS. I am a Kentucky girl after all. razz I love bluegrass and I don't care what you say to that either. It's good music and yes i know what you are going to say "Bluegrass is for Hillbillies". Well.. I am a hillbilly x3 so yea.
I listen to new stuff too. I like the new stuff :3 It's good. I just don't listen to anything associated with Disney x____x. I like Gives you Hell, Disturbia, and I Love College; and many more too.
And yes I listen to Japanese music. :3 I like it and maybe you should try and listen to some too. You may like it ^^
Music is a huge part of me. Don't make fun of my tastes. Period.

User Comments: [2] [add]
Drei Korvik
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 03, 2009 @ 05:44pm
I listen to some pretty unusual music too, and I feel exactly the same way!
The Beatles are awesome btw. mrgreen

commentCommented on: Fri May 08, 2009 @ 11:41am
Lol~ ^^ I love a lot of types of music, but I have a lot of friends who'll go through my ipod and be like "Wtf is this ****?" and I'll get mad... ._. It's so annoying! >.<

Community Member
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