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View User's Journal

World Gone MAD!
I've decided to make this an actual journal. So beware of random subjects and various topics that you care nothing about. Leave comments or die. It doesnt even matter if you didnt read anything, just say hi. :D
Avveh Stuffs and Mini-Rant
You ever notice how similar two v's are to a w? vv = w? Weird. Instead of calling it a 'double-u' they should have called it a 'double-v'. Hehehe. Anyway, this is a wishlist for stuffs I'm buying currently. I probably have enough gold to get them all, but I don't want to sell my items. ( I luffles dem all. c: ) So i'll just earn them the old-fashioned way. These are for a dream avvie, so...yeah. This is mostly just a check-off list for me, so you can know, go on with your life.

1. Dark Elf's Staff
2. Elemental Wings
3. Grizzly Hoodie
4. Cheshire Cat Tail
5. Coal Gunner Boots
6. Dead Sexy Rose Skull Pin
7. Burned Apocaripped Knit Gloves
8. Studded Leather Collar
9. Midnight Gothic Bat Corset Dress
10. GO Phones
11. KoNfUzEd MoNoChRoMe ToE SoX

Will end up being this: User Image

*~ x- Spazz Muffin -x Tektek-ed this. Go spam her inbox. ~*

User Comments: [7] [add]
x- Spazz Muffin -x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 06:42pm
I refuse to spam my own inbox!
Glad you loved it!
Don't you just love the grizzly on your head?
He's my favorite!

commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 06:44pm
Yeah, he's so cute. heart What should we name him?

Ch3mical Rayne
Community Member
x- Spazz Muffin -x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 07:28pm

You have a red sprite and I have a blue one!

commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 08:26pm
-tacklehug- You look so cute. <33 xD
I love Chewy. Let's go with that.

Ch3mical Rayne
Community Member
x- Spazz Muffin -x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 09:00pm
As do you!
And you will again, once you're wearing a Spazz Production original!

commentCommented on: Sun May 03, 2009 @ 06:35pm
Hate to break up the sweetness, but I'll give you each one guess what this makes me think of... blaugh twisted xp xd xd rofl heart heart heart heart

You're the yellow bird that I've been waiting for.- Bright Eyes

Hark close and still what I now whisper to you
I love you, O you entirely possess me.
- Walt Whitman
heart heart

Splediferous Masochism
Community Member
Splediferous Masochism
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri May 22, 2009 @ 04:16pm
hint: it's in the mall, and it isn't sold to minors. XD /RACK humor for the day.

You're the yellow bird that I've been waiting for.- Bright Eyes

Hark close and still what I now whisper to you
I love you, O you entirely possess me.
- Walt Whitman
heart heart
User Comments: [7] [add]