 ^^ thats May Mason smile
I jumped the fence, snagging my jeans on the barbs. I pulled and pulled, but the barbs held fast. I flailed in desperation. Of course. OF COURSE. I decided to try to be as smart as possible. I put my hand on the top of the fence, and pulled both my legs against the fence. The pain seared through my hand, some blood dripping onto the gate. It didn’t matter, I was GOING to get out of this stupid fence. I pushed both of my feet against the fence, and my pants ripped all the way around the knee, leaving me to fall to the ground. “Dang it!” I mumbled, still trying to get the fabric off of the barbs. When it finally unhooked I could hear popa’s cart pulling in. I decided to hide in the barn. I took off running, the bottom of my jeans where it had ripped flinging around, making it difficult to focus on just GOING. I darted into the chicken coop, the closest thing to the fence. I grabbed the side and twirled myself into the doorway, only to smack the stupid door. “Dang it.” I said rubbing my head. I pulled open the door and stepped inside. Only to see my brother, looking rather amused, standing there. He folded his arms over his chest. “Ummm…. Hello Matti, did you have a nice day at school?” I said sweetly, hiding my hand behind my back. “Good. How was your day stealin’ and thievin’ like a lowdown straggler?” He said, his face stone. “Great. But I was in school, you were there when I -” Mat reached behind me, grabbing my wrist and holding out my bloodied palm. “Yes weeeeeeeell….” Mat interrupted, “How could you?” “I didn’t!” I said defiantly, trying to free my wrist of his grasp. He held firm. “Then where were you?” I looked down at my shoes, “In the forest.” I mumbled. “You were in the forest?” He growled, seeming taller. His face was dark, he was uber angry. “Don’t tell poppa! He’ll kill me!” I pleaded. “I’ma have too May, you know better.” I was positive all the color drained out of my face right then, I was dead, I was deader then dead. Poppa would strangle me, bury me, and dance on my grave! “Please Mat.” I whimpered, making myself cry to be as pitiful as possible, “Don’t tell him. You’re my big brother, your spos’d to take cara me. You know I wasn’t doin’ nothin’ bad in the forest Mat. I would rather die then hurt a animal!” His eyes narrowed, he seemed to be taking me all in, the bloodied palm, the sad face, the torn jeans. His eyes met back up with mine and he let go of my wrist, “Alright, but you’ll be askin’ fer trouble if you get caught again I’ll have to tell poppa then. You’ll have extra chores too – ya got me May?” I nodded all to eagerly, “OK Matti, I’ll do anything, ANYTHING and I promise I won’t do it ever again.” “Ya’ won’t do it, or won’t get caught?” He shook his head, “I recon it’s not get caught.” With that he pushed past me and headed out of the coop. I let out my breath and slumped against the wire netting, one or two of the chickens picking at my hair and overalls.
Bang, Bang, Bang! I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach Bang, Bang, Bang! “Allright I’m up now ya’ happy?” Bang, Bang, Bang! I threw my feet off the side of the bed and let out a yawn. I heard popa’s big boots clomp down the stairs like every morning. The windows rattled and shook as he slammed the door, his last warning for lazy bums like me. I fixed the bandage on my hand and changed into my overalls and a white T-shirt. I grabbed a hair-tie and pulled my long black hair into a ponytail. I headed down the stairs and grabbed a biscuit and some jelly for a quick breakfast. Momma stood there at the stove with Bell, my 7 year-old sister, at her side. “May Mason, I really would wish you would eat more then a biscuit for breakfast. Ya know this is all that’ll keep ya’ goin’ ‘till noon.” “Yes momma.” I said obediently. Momma shook her head while Bell shook her finger at me in pretend mockery. “I don’t know what I’ma do ‘bout ya May. Ya know the rules yet ya deliberately disobey, like you get a joy ride out of it.” “Sorry momma, I have to head out fer school, or I’ll be late.” “Again.” Bell giggled. I shot her a dirty look. Momma gave me a look telling me I was in for deep scolding afterwards, probably for respect towards your sister, you’re her roll model. Belch. “I want ya to take Bell to school today, I recon I can handle the chores myself today so she should get in the habit of goin’ with ya.” “Better keep up.” I growled at Bell as she grabbed my hand, “We have no time for shenanigans and I’m in no mood for your happy peppy attitude.” We ran along the path to the schoolhouse. “May!” Bell whined, “I’m tired, slow down!” “We’re almost there, come on now, or we’ll be late.” “No.” Bell complained, stopping completely. “Fine. Get on my back, I’ll have to carry you to the school.” I sighed. “May?” Bell asked as she climbed on my back and I started back down the path. “Yeah?” “How acome your talkin’ funny?” I cringed. “Stop talkin’ nonsense.” I growled at her, making sure to keep dropping g’s and talking just like momma.
CHAPTER 2 I slipped out the door, I took a deep breath. The smells of the forest overwhelmed my senses. I slipped off my shoes, leaving them under the porch, and took off running. The crunching under my feet was sensational, the limbs of trees brushing my arms and legs. I got a strange sense of peace out here, under all these trees. I felt disconnected, yet safe, like in the eye of a hurricane. I slowed to a walk, and then stopped in the clearing. The clearing was bathed in a array of patterns and shapes because of the numerous trees. I listened to the brook babbling quietly, the birds calling out their songs. Everything seemed hushed and gentle, as if putting a newborn to sleep. I heard a soft rustle in the bushes. Turning towards it I saw two small wolf pups tumble out, wrestling with each other in the soft grass. I laughed softly as I came towards them with my hand extended so I wouldn’t scare them. The one currently on top looked up at me with genuine interest, so the littler one tumbled it to the bottom. A creamy brown wolf stepped out of the bushes, not making a sound as she gracefully stepped towards me. She sat in front of me, the sun making her coat shimmer and here eyes dance. She was beautiful, yet she has a certain thing about her that made her look dangerous. “Brook.” I said quietly, nodding at her. She came up to me and rubbed her head on my hand as if to say – you’re welcome here. She yipped at her little pups and they ran over to her obediently. I laughed as the bigger one pawed at the fabric of my overalls. I picked him up in my arms and cuddled him. “What do you want your name to be?” I questioned him. “Something curious yet bold, a name fit for a warrior of the forest. How about Oak?” I looked down at him. The golden flecks in his amber eyes twinkled with mischief and love. He seemed to agree with the name I had chosen for him. I set him down and held my hand out ot the little girl. It was tough to get her to trust me, but after some gentle coaxing and some help from Brook, the pup was sitting with her paws on my knee. “Hmm, something soft and quiet, but not ordinary, no. Defiantly not ordinary for you.” I looked up at the sky as if I could see the answers there. “How about Moon Shine?” I asked, rubbing the space between her ears affectionately. Her fur was a tan, but at first glance looked white. Oak had a darker brown color with black boots and a black muzzle. They were both special and amazing in my eyes.
[img:35be38a554]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lki7bktZnl1qhigt0o1_400.gif[/img:35be38a554] [b:35be38a554] I like roleplaying, music, and anything artsy. Photography, drawing, whatever. I do it all.[/b:35be38a554] [/color:35be38a554][/size:35be38a554][/align:35be38a554]
awesomecacy · Wed Apr 15, 2009 @ 09:33pm · 0 Comments |