Feb 21, 2009 I miss my brother.I miss being around him. I remember back then he told me that story. It was called Dreamers. The story was about this one girl. She was special. She had these powers that no one understands. She also had an opposite. It was a boy. He was just like her, but more to evil than good. People said they were brothers and sisters, but they are not. They are a group of people that's always reborn at the same time, but never from the same parents. They also knew each other; they are best friends. The boy and the girl loved each other, but didnt told each other. Something happen between them. The boy betray the girl, for power. It was a man's fault.He was able to blind the boy with a thought of power. The went through many pain and sorrows to get him back. In the end she was able to do that, but she was killed by the man. After this happen the girl was reborn. But the boy wasn't reborn. In the end, my brother always said a poem in the end. I think is was. ' Day or night will rise to a start of a new story. The other will fall to never ending history.' I really miss my brother. -Seki
Feb 21, 2009 I'm going to see her again. Well that's what my dream said. It turns out she goes to the same school as I do. Um I think she was in the room 2-A. Hm...a second year. She came to school with out a uniform.. It also seem like she hangs out in an empty building... when she's there, she sang a song. I felt like I heard this song before. I felt like...I was the one that made that song... How? I never spoke to her before. It must be something in the book! Or...did i had a dream about it. This song....it seems so far, but so close. When I look at her...my heart feels heavy and light.. I felt sad...Also like I like her, A LOT. But how is that even possible! I dont even know her!.... I felt like i wanted to just run up to her and hug her....and spill out all my feelings, tell every one of them....this is just crazy... it's not possible liking someone I dont know. - Sora
Taiyachi · Sun Feb 22, 2009 @ 07:05am · 1 Comments |