Do not be grieved and depressed, for the joy of the Lord is your strength and stronghold.
Nehemiah 8:10
When you're weak and weary,
Tired and tested,
If you're strained and afraid,
If you're broken beyond repair,
When you've been stretched beyond the limit
If you've been hurt so bad,
You can't ever forgive because the pain inside.
Trust in the Lord,
For his joy will be your strength,
It will help you make it through this journey,
It will give you the courage and guidance,
It will give you the hope you need,
His joy will be your strength.
When you feel you won't make it through,
When the doubts and fears are too strong,
When the lies start rushing,
And your burden is too much,
Trust in the Lord,
Trust in his name,
For his joy will be your strength,
It will help you make it through this journey,
It will give you the courage and guidance,
It will give you the hope you need,
His joy will be your strength,
Today and forever.
Lift your voice to the heavens,
Sing your song to the Lord,
Declare your song of freedom,
Sing a song of hope,
Sing a song of joy to the Lord,
Lift up your voice,
Sing out loud,
Worship the God who is,
Declare your love for him to the world,
Don't let anyone hold you back,
The Lord has called you,
So lift up your voice and sing,
The joy of the Lord is your strength,
It is your song,
So trust in the Lord,
For his joy will be your strength,
It will help you make it through this journey,
It will give you the courage and guidance,
It will give you the hope you need,
His joy will be your strength.
His joy will be your strength,
His joy will be your strength,
His joy will be your strength,
You don't have to be afraid,
His joy will be your strength,
You don't have to worry,
His joy will be your strength,
You can trust,
His joy will be your strength.
The joy of the Lord is your strength,
It is your song,
Lift your voice to the heavens,
Sing your song to the Lord,
Declare your song of freedom,
Sing a song of hope,
Sing a song of joy to the Lord,
Lift up your voice,
Sing out loud,
Worship the God who is,
Declare your love for him to the world,
Don't let anyone hold you back,
The Lord has called you,
So lift up your voice and sing,
Trust in the Lord,
For his joy will be your strength,
It will help you make it through this journey,
It will give you the courage and guidance,
It will give you the hope you need,
His joy will be your strength.
Lift up your voice,
Sing out loud,
Worship the God who is,
Declare your love for him to the world,
Don't let anyone hold you back,
The Lord has called you,
So lift up your voice and sing,
His joy will be your strength...
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