Bath Time
Usually, Spencer loves taking baths, but it didn't seem so earlier. *scratches head* Ah, well.
In other news, I'm biting my nails over the fact that the moving date is so close to happening. On one hand, I'm thrilled, but the on the other hand I'm quaking in my shoes, so to speak. I want a change of scenery and I want to live somewhere else, but this move is taking me over 800 miles south and while it is an exciting prospect, it's a bit of a stretch from where I was born, where I grew up, and where everything is familiar. I know where to go and how to get to places quite easily, especially if I've been to a place more than once. However, I am admittedly bored with all the familiarity.
I feel restless, like I need to get up and really make this move real so I can settle down a bit before trying to figure out what the hell to do with myself. I've been cooped up in the house, without a job, since I got out of school in June. Frankly, I'm going crazy with a bit of Cabin Fever. I want this move over and done with so I can get my arse out of the house and exploring before I do anything. Knowing where I am and where I'm going is my first priority, methinks. I don't like being lost and exploring is the only way to go when one's in a new place.
Having someone who's familiar with the area would be nifty, but alas...I am no good when it comes to meeting and talking with new people.