*scratches head* There's a light...over at the Frankenstein's place.
Ah, random song lyrics. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it isn't remade...the movie the lyrics are from, I mean. ^^
In other news, phone/internet's likely to go out next week and then the week after is the move. *bites nails* I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do without internet, but I have ideas. *glances at sewing mahcine* Speaking of sewing machines, I'm in the process of making a black and white cape - 50/50 split, you know? I just have to figure out if I want to put a hood on it and what I want to use for a clasp. Should things go as planned, the cape will be black and white with the possibility of a white hood...not enough black to make a half-hood out of. xD Testing it out now, it looks to come down to about mid-calf and I believe it'll be an all-around style, covering the body entirely instead of halfway covering.
I'm also reminded that I have got to do laundry before the move; I'm just about out of clothes! Procrastination, I blame you! *points accusing finger*