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View User's Journal

Here We Are, But We're Still Lost
I have spilled my heart on this journal and now I am making it public. I doubt what you will find will interest you much. It's only my battered soul. Lol, sorry, that was really angst, wasn't it?
Don't expect a valentine
For it's too late for that
All romance somehow comes to an end.

No poem for you
No mushy stuff to say to you
I'm already way past that.

You got someone, right?
And I've got life.
So I hope you're happy.

May the two of you be happy
But don't expect anything from me
Because I won't linger in the past.

You should look to the future.
Look to the future with her.
Think of me no more.

Just go on,
Live a happy life
And just stay out of mine.


I feel myself wasting here,
Living and breathing
But being want I want to be
My life is filled with fear.

I'm a hollow piece of wood
Normal looking outside
But inside I'm empty
Not doing doing things I should.

Wandering around lost and alone
People passing into my life
Only to leave with no meaning
I'm unable to express feelings not shown.

Life has given me no meaning
And I so the same
I'm just a wandering soul
Still trying to understand the point of being.

Where should I go on to next?
I look for a place to stay,
I look for something to give me reason,
But still nothing comes, as I expect.

Lost, with no warning of danger,
I continue into a life of nothing,
Friends I push away in silent fear,
I fill like a misfit, a stranger.

Walking in continuous confusion,
I can only yearn for the past,
But slowly it too slips away,
Reality and fantasy become one illusion.

Things mash together and then are gone,
Still I stager against life
No longer looking for life's meanings,
I've decided to just be, living on.

A misfit among other misfits
Just living on with no purpose
Maybe this is life's true meaning
Even not, I'm no longer lost in it.