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View User's Journal

Here We Are, But We're Still Lost
I have spilled my heart on this journal and now I am making it public. I doubt what you will find will interest you much. It's only my battered soul. Lol, sorry, that was really angst, wasn't it?
Poem: Fill me up.
Lie to my face,
Lie all you want,
Continue playing tricks on me,
But trust me, the truth is the key.

I don't understand why
But I'll go along,
With lies only leading me on,
You continue to ruin my life before it's gone.

In the end, lies will send me off the edge,
Who's to blame but myself?
And you, 'cause you pushed me too much
So what's to come, suicided and such.

Onward you lie, unconcerned,
Not realizing my life is on thread,
Simple, small lies should be okay,
Because you believe I won't care anyway.

But inside I know truth,
I'm now ragging, just ragging,
Too many emotions all mixed up together,
Try to understand this can't last forever.

Insanely, I forget reality,
Because I let you reel me in,
You've filled me to the brim with lies,
Leaving me weak, only able to cry.

You've let me be consumed by something false,
And I've been now tossed into the dark,
Helplessly lost in my own wandering mind,
Truth, I fear, may be something I'll never find.

Or at least I won't find it from you,
Because you seem to have nothing better to do,
But it's ironic, for if you had only knew,
That I had known you were lying all along too.