yayaaaaaaa, im just sayin tht cuz courtney x]] well if u dnt noo..potogue is pronounced like poh-toh-gee haha its like local kine languagee..local to hawaii anyway (; haha its our own language its like potogue jokes if u no? uh ya, idk about wat ppl outta hawaii think okayyy....but an example of a potogue joke isss...uh okay, there was 3 guys: japanese, filipino, n one potogue. theyre stuck on this mountain thing n cnt go bak down..theyre stranded. [[i think i 4get wat it rlly is...so chill]] they find a genies lamp n they rub it...thee genie agrees to let them jump off this cliff [[dnt get thee wrong idea yet!!]] n they have to yell wat they like turn into. sooo, thee first guy [[thee japanese]] jumps off n yells "bird!!" n turns in2 a bird n flys away. thee second guy [[thee filipino]] jumps off n says "hawk!" n turns in2 a hawk in flies away. the third guy [[thee potogue]] jumps off n yells "HOLY s**t!" n ya, u no wat happens xDD haha soo ya, classic potogue joke isss...well okay, how duz a potogue kill one fish? "they drown it" x]] haha yaaaa! soooo..uh my arm is threatening to fall off cuz of fuwkn carnival games for thee wii. dnt EVER get tht game if u have a wii. tht game is a b***h! D: kill my arm, fuuwkkerr x]] haha yaaa, soooooo........i choked on crunch todayy... ------->  haha okay, i gotta goohhh nowww, peace out brahhhh!! x]]]
i-iSh-jUjU · Sun Jan 18, 2009 @ 09:02am · 0 Comments |