Today was really Hectic. I mean, look at the header of my journal, it was too boring for my abilities to even consider to make a proper title for xD So I used the date. Yep. The boring 11th. Heey! That should've been my title >< Damn. But then all the nonsense I just wrote would make.. umm.. No sense? xD Isn't it obvious that I'm up this late and is dying to talk to someone? xD Yeah. Haven't talked MUCH all day.. We were too busy with so many things!! I didn't even have time to eat breakfast anymore, I was reviewing for our unit test in Social Studies-- which is in the first period!!! O:
My schedule was pretty much like this:
7:00- 7:30- Flag Ceremony/ Morning Worship [arrived not-so-late today!! ^o^] haha. Well, yeah. Like I said, this time was basically for reviewing for Social Studies because I had fallen asleep the night before xD The book was still beside me when I woke up! Weird o.o I said I'd close my eyes for a while then I ended up as deep in sleep as a dead person. [wait, WHAT?! O___O] p.s. All my husband's fault why I end up falling asleep nowadays~! xD
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7:30- 8:10- Social Studies Unit test in Social Studies!! Everyone is rushing to their seats and standing back up once again to rape my intermediate pad and take advantage of my generosity! xDD So yeah, the Unit test wasn't that hard.. thank God. I just didn't study very much because our morning Worship took place in the Auditorium today, which means they'll be confiscating notes if they see us reviewing! DD: Like stealing candy from a baby!!! [<---only applies to geeks] and I wasn't given the reviewer we were supposed to memorize so I could kiss goodbye my goal of not failing any quizzes xd Like I said, the test was easy.. but also because Kim and I reviewed for like five minutes and were rummaging through all our messy notes @___@ so we made weird keywords to remember, for example; My notes say: 'Hitler attacked Polland' In our language that is: 'The mustache attacked the polar bear' O__O and we actually remembered things! Go us! [translation: me.] xd
8:10- 8:50- Math Ms. Baladeeeeeeeeng <333 Mathmathmath, Sorry! I needed your time to study for health! xD
8:50- 9:30- Health I accidentally spent all the free time Ms.Bads gave us to review for health laughing with my friends xDD oops. redface oh well :cute The 'long test' in Health was great! It was only 25 items!!! o-O OMG! I love you Mrs. Perez <33 Her subject rocks xD I didn't study much but I got a 21! wheeee~ >w< I heart Health class! I think Firemen are hott sweatdrop [where'd that come from?! O___O]
9:30- 10:00- RECESS! Gaaah. I was sleepy today! DDD: And today was the day I slept, how weird! haha. Pauline accidentally saw the sachets of all the coffee I was making xD hahaha. She was like 'WTH? O___O' at me xD Banana kept reminding me to review for the quiz in CLE which is also the next subject, but I kept talking xD So ten minutes before ten, I was planning to say the line I say EVERYDAY: 'I think we should go now' xd And so we did. I procrastinated again xD stuffing everything I could possibly stuff in about seven minutes!
10:00- 10:40- CLE GAAAH! Mrs. Del Socorro was here gonk s**t! s**t! s**t! Note to self: need to stop cursing during CLE! -_-] SO yeah, everything went well in the quiz, anyway ^o^ It's all because of my positive view of things =DD
I love you, Nathan >w<
I miss you >w<
Moving on... xDD
The rest of the day wasn't much of a fuss except filipino time and Computer time, where we did nothing but talk and play 'Killer Killer' I suck at being the police!!! D: I always guess the wrong person and it makes me look like a fool xd but then I was the killer for about three times in a row and I killed everyone quickly xD hahaha. I killed Kim, Banana, Pauline and Jolea.. Chelsea was left! Aww, dammit! Chelsea is supposed to be the weak one!!! DDD< So she was like, 'Who's the killer?' so innocently when there was no one left but me. Hahaha. Crazy Times.
Ooooh! There was a quiz in Filipino too xD and I procrastinated... AGAIN! I got an e11/15! and so did kim >w< yaaaay! whee
This happened too :
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So yeah... that was pretty much it.. it's late now.. I think I should go! DD: Sees ya laters!
P.S- Look what I found in my friend's multi xD
Moonlight_Dancero9 · Thu Dec 11, 2008 @ 05:54pm · 3 Comments |