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I let my mind wonder and it never came back...
wow... i havent been here in a while... it seems like a whole other world for me......i just finnished reading all the other journal entries that i wrote and im just so.... i just feel so great! i feel wonderfull remembering all of those awosome memories and things that i did with my family! all the blessings that the lord has given me! you know what everyone! this is a really great thing to do! when you have just done something with your family and learned something from them, write it down. just write it down becaues when you go back and you relive all of those wonderfull awsome moments its like your heart just wants to fly out of your chest! i feel so blessed to have known so many wonderful people during my life! amanda, tabby, gabrial (perona dude), lizzy, everyone! im so glad to have gotten to know you during this lifetime, you all have made it one of the greatest this world will probably ever know!!! i dont know if i should continue writing in this journal but somehow i cant bring my self to deleat any of it or to change any of it! i cant bring myself to do that becaues this is where i origionally wrote it and i dont wanna take it away! so i think im gonna continue to write here or maybe re-write them in another journal so that i can have them with me always. i never wanna let go of them! i love you all!!! even the people that i havent mentioned. i love you all! (as friends of course lol!) heart just wanted you to know that becaues we all wont be together forever, but im really glad that i got to know you all even for just this short time that i have! love you all! laters! heart heart heart