somthin terrible has happened...
Things like this i wish to shout out at the world, the pain my sister go's through without another sibling at it , why a boy would do this i donnot know, but i knew that he would be trouble, all boys are trouble, ive tried and tried but its too late now, tears of pain and fire of hatred so bitter rolls down my sister's ashened face, it comes down to the day of everlasting pain, I just hope that the loss will erase someday, but I also hope that he will suffer of shame and lost of what he has done to my sister... Days of sorrow ... but i hope that it will pass away and lead her to happiness once more, leaving the dark past behind, so she can enjoy the young and beautiful life at which she was givin.
To my beloved sister who is in mortification over the loss of the man she had loved
Hakae_Tousho · Fri Oct 07, 2005 @ 05:29am · 0 Comments |