ANNOUNCEMENT: The first chapter is (more or less) finished. Just a few more stitches, and i'll be putting it up soon.
ANNOUNCEMENT2: Just a little heads up. Nostro - the really old wolfy-lookin' bad/good guy. He's like Itachi, bad until you find out otherwise - yeah, he's a wolf. He's cute-ish, I guess. If you think sadistic and mentally-unstable old guys, then yeah...he's cute. 0-0;;

That's pretty much his appearance in a nutshell, after he eats he loos like that. He's all gaunt and stuff right now, and his fur's all unkempt.
ANNOUNCEMENT3: I finised designing the Guardian's tattoo. Well, rather, my people have finished drawing, and i've finished changing it. Haha. xD

Community Member
And you know that it's Heroine?
I think...unless that's the drug...