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View User's Journal

World Gone MAD!
I've decided to make this an actual journal. So beware of random subjects and various topics that you care nothing about. Leave comments or die. It doesnt even matter if you didnt read anything, just say hi. :D
The Caverns of Time - Character Forms!!!

ANNOUNCEMENT: The first chapter is (more or less) finished. Just a few more stitches, and i'll be putting it up soon.

ANNOUNCEMENT2: Just a little heads up. Nostro - the really old wolfy-lookin' bad/good guy. He's like Itachi, bad until you find out otherwise - yeah, he's a wolf. He's cute-ish, I guess. If you think sadistic and mentally-unstable old guys, then yeah...he's cute. 0-0;;

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That's pretty much his appearance in a nutshell, after he eats he loos like that. He's all gaunt and stuff right now, and his fur's all unkempt.

ANNOUNCEMENT3: I finised designing the Guardian's tattoo. Well, rather, my people have finished drawing, and i've finished changing it. Haha. xD

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User Comments: [3] [add]
x- Spazz Muffin -x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 26, 2008 @ 11:10pm
Hmm...SO CUTE!
And you know that it's Heroine?
I think...unless that's the drug...

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 13, 2008 @ 08:36pm
Yes, I know that it's Heroine, my keyboard just sucks. >-<

Ch3mical Rayne
Community Member
x- Spazz Muffin -x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 14, 2008 @ 12:30am
Mine too.

User Comments: [3] [add]