Welcome back to my pointless journal entrys! Our computer got fixed which is good. Yup... and now everything's back to normal ( or how it used to be ). Ants have invaded my kitchen now which kinda sucks.. but we seem to have it under control..
I got an picture for ya today because Im bored to death...

Well there you go, isnt it interesting stare yep...
( for those who got this far without dying of boredom.. ) Today is Friday. We dont go to school today It's a holiday... and so was yesterday and the weekend and the two days after the weekend....
I found something interesting on the internet earlier this week and Im going to put a link to it on here even though I dout anyone will actually read this anyway...
[ link ] yeah you click this.... hmm
there we are then; a journal entry from the land of bore... bye for today.. Im not going to say Ill write another tomorrow 'cause I wont.. goodbye no one...
getty6000 · Fri Oct 10, 2008 @ 09:46pm · 0 Comments |