Well, I've decided to start using the Shin'a'In language (Mercedes Lackey's books, read them, you'll find out) in my every day convos. I'll post the words I know here, so that ya'll will know what I'm saying if I decide to use the terms on the forums. (by the way, a ' in the middle of a word is a pause, but not as long as a pause between sentences)
Corthu (cohr-thoo): one being Dester 'edre (destair ay-dhray): wind born sibling Dhon (dthon): very much Du 'dera (doo dearah): I give you comfort For 'shava (fohr shavah): very, very good Get 'ke (get kay): Could you explain? Gestena (gestaynah): thank you Hai (hi): Yes Hai Shala (hi shahlah): Do you understand? Hai 'shi 'li (hi she lee): Yes, I swear! Hai 'vetha (hi vethah): Yes, be running! Her 'y (hear ee): Is this not the truth? Isda (essdah): Have you ever seen such...? Jel 'enedra (jel enaydrah): little sister Jel 'sotho 'edrin (jel soothoh aydthrin): Forever younger siblings (term of endearment used for horses) Jostumal (johstomahl) :Enemy, literally "one desiring your blood" Kadessa (kahdessah): rodent of the Dhorisha Plains (home of the Shin'a'In) Kal 'enedral (kahl eneydhrahl): SwordSworn, literally, "Her swordchildren" Warriors sword to serve the Kal 'Enel Kal 'Enel (kahl enel): Warrior aspect of the four-faced Goddess, literally "Sword of the Stars" Kathal (kahthahl): go gently Kele (kaylay): go onward Kestra (kestrah): a casual friend Krethes (kraythes): speculation Kulath (koolath) :go find Leshya 'e (layshee-ah ee) :spirit; not vengeful ghost, but helpful spirit Liha 'irden (leeha eardhren) :deer footed Li 'ha 'eer (lee hah eeahr) :By the gods! (surprised expression) Li 'sa 'eer( lee sah eeahr) By the highest gods! (surprised expression) Nes (nehs) :bad Nos (nohs) :It is... Pretera (praytearah) :grass cat Sadullos (sahdoolohs) safer Se (si) :is/are She 'chorne (shay chornah):Homosexual, no negative connotations among Shin'a'In culture She 'enedra (shay enaydrah) :sister by blood-oathing Sheka (shaykah) :horse droppings Shena (shaynah) : of the clan, literally "of the brotherhood" Shesti (shestee) :nonsense Shin'a'In (shin ay in) razz eople of the Plains So 'trekoth (soh traykoth) :fool, literally "gape-mouthed hatchling" Staven (stahven): water Tale 'edras (tahle aydrahs) :Hawkbrothers, group which may or may not be related to the Shin'a'In, living in the Pelagiris Forest. Tale 'sedrin (tahle saydhrin) :Children of the Hawk Te 'sorthene (tay sohrthayne) :heart friend, spirit friend Vai datha (vi dahthah) : expression of resignation or agreement, literally "there are many ways" Var 'athanda (vahr ahthahndah) :to be forgetful of Ves 'tacha (ves tahchah) beloved one Vysaka (visahkah) spiritual bond between Kal 'enedrahl and Kal 'enel; its presecense can be detected by an Adept-level mage, another Kal 'enedrahl, or the Kal 'enedrahl him/herself. This bond creates the special "sheilding" which makes the Kal' enedrahl celibate and somwhat immune to magic Vyusher (vi-oo shear) :wolf Yai (yi) :two Yuthi 'so 'coro (yoothee soh cohr-oh) :road courtesy; rules Shin'a'In traders follow when traveling on public roads
And of course my name and my she 'enedra's name Marissa(me): Mar 'sa (mahr sah) Michelle (UlyssaFirkin) Me 'hel (meh hehl)
Felicity Ann · Mon Sep 26, 2005 @ 06:47pm · 4 Comments |