Love's Final Chance
Chapter 1: (cont.)
"Love, it is one thing that many want yet only a few actually get it. many people believe that they have love, yet it is not true love. True love is more magical and powerful than anything in the whole world is. With love you can do just about anyth..."
"Come on Yuki, hurry up your going to be late for school."
"Alright, I'll be down in a second!" Yuki closed her notebook and grabbed her backpack. As she ran down the stairs something big happened. In another world, a boy starts to think of her. He knows that something special is going to happen to her. He knows that life as we know it is going to change. Fantasy and reality will clash.
"Hey, Todd hurry up or we are going to be late!" Todd hurried down the hall to the door. Right before he left he turned around and took one final look at his home. After he could finally puck up the courage he closed the door and left. He went into the car and shut the door. He watched as the house became father and father away. He sighed and then closed his eyes. It was going to be a long ride.
"Hey sis, how long until we arrive on earth?"
"About, um, ten hours."
"What! That long?"
"Well it won't be that long if you have a way to entertain your self." Todd's sister buckles up her flight seatbelt. "Buckle up." Todd buckles up then sits back. He watches as his home planet becomes smaller and smaller. Planets fly by but slowly. Todd yawns and soon falls asleep. While Todd and his sister fly through galaxies, Yuki arrives at school. She walks to her locker and enters the combination. When she opens her locker, a note falls out. She picks it up and reads it.
"Dear Yuki,
Hi, I'm Todd and the reason I am writing you is that something big is going to happen to you. Something big and special. I know you probably don't believe me but it is all true. You will see me around school once I arrive there. You see I am from a planet called Trion. It is in a very distant galaxy. Please believe me it is all true. I am not making this up. My sister and I just left. I was able to send you this note through a transporter that we have. Anyway, you will see me at school tomorrow. My name is Todd Demon and Yuki if you don't believe me we can talk tomorrow.
Your friend,
"Huh, okay, what ever." After Yuki reads the note she crumples it up and throws it out. She thinks that he is crazy. She believes that someone is playing a joke on her. Yet, still deep down inside she has a feeling that it is all true. Well she just has to wait and see. Her classes go by so slow to her. All she kept on thinking about is that boy. Who is he and why does he say that he is from another planet? Then all the sudden the bell rings and Yuki gets up and goes to her next class, PE. While walking into her PE class, she bumps into a boy. Her books fall and she goes down to get them.
"Here let me help you." Yuki looks up and stares into the boy's face. The boy was cute but she does not care at all. She then looks down and starts to pick up her books. After she picks them up she gets up and grabs the books from the boy's hands.
"Um, thanks."
"No problem, just be careful next time okay?"
"Yeah I will. I'm Yuki."
"And I'm Hunter. Well I'll see you around. Bye." Hunter gets up and walks away.
"Bye." Yuki yells and waves back at him. She then goes to her locker and puts her books away.
During PE Yuki is pared up with her best friend, Sam.
"So you say that he is from another planet, he is coming to school tomorrow. That's ten Yuki, just twenty more. Anyway, it is weird but you won't find out until tomorrow, right? Well if he is real just, ask him questions, like how the ******** hell he knows you. I mean it is weird that he knows you and you don't know him. You know I wonder why he is leaving his planet. It would be... Okay that's thirty Yuki." Yuki sits up and holds her friend's feet so she can do her thirty sit-ups. "Yeah, well... uh... It's up to you Yuki. What say?"
"I say you shut up and I'll talk. I really don't know what to think at all. I just have been thinking about his all day. When Mrs. Kane asked me a question I answered: 'He's from another planet.' I don't know what I was thinking. The whole class just laughed. It was embarrassing. Then when I was walking to my locker I bumped into this cute boy, named Hunter. My books fell and he helped me pick them up. Hey Sam you did thirty." Sam gets up and the two girls walk over to a bench to wait for the others to finish.
"So do you believe in love?"
"Why do you ask that Sam?"
"Well, I mean you were never in love. You never had a crush on anyone. It's just that you write about love but I never have seen you in love with any one."
"Oh, I%u2026" The coach calls them to come over. "I'll tell you later Sam."
"Okay." The two girls run to the coach and learn that they have to go to an assembly. The assembly is about the winter sports, so it should be a fun assembly. While at the assembly the school had a magician come and do tricks. The two girls actually fell asleep.
.....alright that is the end of chapter 1 part 1, part 2 will be posted soon ^^