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Simply Business Just a few poems and stories i write. not entirely like a diary kind of journal.

Lt Honeybee
Community Member
Skin [01]

Yami just…accidentally showed some skin. Then ended up having a boyfriend.

There was silence in Domino City High school for boys. It was the last day of exams, Friday, and the students of the school were all in their classrooms, waiting to be dismissed by their advisers. Section 4-A was the star section in the graduating Domino’s graduating class batch 2008-2009. Of course, the valedictorian was in the said class, Kaiba Seto, and one after him, Mutou Yami. Both were rivals, but they also get along sometimes. And they weren’t selfish with their knowledge. If there was something Yami didn’t know, he’d go to Seto and ask, and Seto’d teach him. But after that lesson, it’s like nothing happened. And not like normal rivals, they don’t argue over everything.

So, back to the last day of exams. 4-A was quiet as their homeroom teacher entered and put the test papers on his table, two of which already had red marks on them. Yami and Seto’s, obviously, the class thought. At the back of the room, Yami was looking out the window. Beside him was Seto, reading a book entitled, History of Asian Nations. Both always had a world of their own.

“Alright! I know that it’s just the end of your first quarter exams, but I have a project to give, and it’s due Monday.” said section 4-A’s adviser, Hotta Shunta. He rolled his eyes as the class moaned in reply, complaining. “You have the weekend to do it. Your project is to search about pre-marital sex among teens like you. And you are going to make a thesis about it, stating how this affects teens in your own words. And you’re going to have partners.”

Yami snapped out from his trance. Seto lifted his head, turning his gaze from the book to the teacher. “What?!” both chorused. They hated working with other people. If you want something done right, do it yourself.

The whole class looked at the back, staring at the two geniuses. “Well, since our topnotchers were the first ones to verbally react to the announcement, you two are going to work with each other.”

“WHAT?!” both once again chorused. Seto almost slammed the hard bound book on his desk, and Yami, his hands. “I don’t want to work with him!” they said in accord.

The whole male class of 18, minus Seto and Yami, chuckled at their reactions. “It’s not about what you two want, it’s what I want. Ok?” he smirked. He noticed that Seto was at the right of Yami, from his point of view, and at the left with Yami’s point of view. Then he got an idea. “First and third row, look to your left, he will be your partner,”

There was another wave of moans that flew across the room. “Good luck, Kaiba-san, Mutou-kun,” Hotta chuckled. “4-A, you are dismissed,” he took the books and papers on the table and went out.

“Hey Kaiba, Mutou. The a*****e’s messing with you.” said Jounouchi, grabbing his bag. His partner was Honda. Lucky that they get along somehow. “Try to make it work out. You’re good guys,”

“Besides,” said Honda, cutting in, and watching Seto put on his coat and Yami his black jean jacket. “Mutou already looks feminine enough. If he was more girly he’d be fit enough to be your b***h.” Honda laughed, together with a handful of students that laughed at his ‘joke’.

Sitting beside Seto that day was a big mistake. Yami, a pissed off, clenched his slender, feminine hand. He readied his foot, and kicked Honda where the sun didn’t shine. “Sorry for being such a girl, Honda. Good luck with that project with the class retard.” He turned to Jounouchi. “And you,” he slapped him. And he slapped him hard. Yami’s hand left a red mark on the blonde’s face. “Retard,” Yami left, leaving the other students laughing at the other males he hit.

Seto chuckled at the scene. “Bonkotsu.” He simply said, and followed Yami out of the room. “Mutou, wait up.” He said, catching up with the shorter teen. “You seem to be…not yourself,”

“Does the fact that I’m short, added the other fact that I look so much like my mother, make me a ******** girl?!” he asked him as they went down the stairs. “I’m in a boys’ school, goddamn it!”

“I’ll drive you home, get some clothes, you’re sleeping at my place.” Seto quickly changed the subject, so that he’d not agree that he does see Yami as a girl in school. A lost girl. Who ended up in a boys’ school. He’s a futanari (1), maybe?

“Wh-What?!” Yami looked at him as they exited the school’s lobby.

“I want that paper done as soon as possible. I don’t intend to spend all of my time with you this weekend,” Seto answered, pulling Yami’s arm and leading him to the parking lot beside the school. “I have a baby brother to take care of,” he grabbed his keys from his pocket and the car sounded as the locks were opened. Then Seto noticed that Yami wasn’t even flinching from his place three yards from the red Porsche. “Get in the ******** car, Mutou,”

“I’m not getting in the ******** car,” said Yami, giving Seto a glare, raising a brow, as he crossed his arms. “Do you think that my grandfather will easily let me sleep in your mansion?!”

“With my fame and money, yes.” Said Seto, standing behind the open door. “And with the security of the mansion, yes. Remember, Mutou, the house you’re staying in tonight is being protected by the Japanese Military.”

“Give me two reasons why I should be sleeping at your place tonight, and tomorrow night.” Yami demanded, not moving from the place he was standing. Other students passed by them, others looking at what will happen.

“One. You and I both know that we both want that paper to be done by Sunday morning, so that we’d have time to do whatever we want on the afternoon on the said day.”


“And two.” Seto smirked. He knew that the next reason he was going to give was going to hit him. “You don’t have internet as fast as mine in your house. You have dial-up.”

“******** you!”

“Same to you,” Seto watched him walk past the car’s hood and got in the front seat. “I thought you’d never get in,” Seto slid in and they went on their way, almost screeching the car out the gates.

“I was never supposed to.” Yami pouted and didn’t look at him. Instead, he set his eyes outside and looked at the people passing by. Their looks were somehow telling him, ‘How the ******** did he get in Kaiba’s car!?’

There was silence in the red luxurious car. Neither of them dared to break it. It was better that way. After a few moments, Yami crossed his legs. Seto saw it in the corner of his eye, and raised a brow. Yami crossed his legs like a girl would. Not like with males that would cross their legs and form something like a number four.

Seto wanted to laugh at him, for being such a girl, but he held it back. And holding back emotions was what he was good at. He kept his eyes on the road and didn’t look at the other male beside him, fearing that he’d let go of the maniacal laughter he held.

“I won’t cause you any trouble.” Said Yami.

“Huh?” Seto looked at him, careful of the road. “What are you talking about?” Seto took a turn.

“I won’t cause you any-” Yami cut himself off. “Hey!” he uncrossed his legs and turned to Seto. “How do you know where I live?!” he demanded. Seto had never gone to his house before.

“I tracked your dial-up modem’s signal.” He said, pushing a button on what looked like a GPS. It showed a red spot where Yami lived. “It wasn’t difficult to track you down.”

“You’re a stalker!” Yami shrieked; his high pitched voice bounced off the windows of the car.

Seto put his right hand on his right ear, and was forced to close one eye. “You scream like a girl,”

“I hate you!” he crossed his arms, pouting.

“Don’t worry, I hate you, too,” Seto said calmly, making a turn on Yami’s street. He stopped in front of what seemed to be a toy shop. Before Yami could open the door, “Bring something comfortable,”

Yami looked at him. “Hmph!” and went in the house.

Seto sighed and shook his head. He should never have made the ‘You scream like a girl,’ comment. Now it was going to be even more difficult working with a partner that’s mad at you for telling him he’s a girl. He let the engine die down, and stepped out of the car. Opening the door to the house/shop, he said, “Ojamashimasu,” (2)

An old man at the counter looked up at him, and seemed to be having some trouble seeing the blue dressed figure at the door. “Ah, welcome, welcome,” he said, taking his glasses that were beside the toys he was tagging. “Oh, dear! M-Mr. Kaiba! It’s a pleasure having you here!” he said in surprise.

“You’ve got quite a collection, Ojiisan,” (3) he said, looking through the shelves. He saw some duel disks on the shelves on the other side of the room. “So you sell one of my products,”

“Yes, sir, and I really got out of stock during the Battle City,” said Sugoruko, walking up to him. “And a lot of kids aged five and above still buy them, around five each day,”

“Really,” Seto replied, looking through the other toys. “Ojiisan, I’m going to ask your permission to let your eldest grandson to stay at my mansion for the weekend,”

“I’m going to have to ask why, Mr. Kaiba,” he said, putting the toys he tagged back on the shelves.

“We are to research and to make a thesis like project, and we intend to finish as soon as possible,” Seto explained, watching the old man clean up the shop.

“Well, ok,” he agreed, smiling at him. “Take care of Yami, Mr Kaiba,”

“Thank you, Ojiisan,” he said, raising a brow, seeing the man get something from the drawer. It looked like a green and white cylindrical object, and Sugoruko took Seto’s hand and put it on it. “Chap Stick? And this is for what?”

“I feel that you have made my grandson upset, because of his feminine features, and that is what I love most about him, he reminds me both of his mother and father,” the old man started to explain. “Give this to him while you two are working, it would lessen the feel of you getting on his nerves.”

“I see,” Seto pocketed the Chap Stick.

“And don’t think that Yami uses those for his satisfaction. His lips chap easily, I never found out why,” Yami entered the room, already out of his uniform. “You may go with Mr. Kaiba, Yami, he’s already asked my permission,”

“Thanks, Jiichan,” he put the Algebra Test on the counter and pulled Seto out of the shop.

“What the hell are you wearing?” Seto asked him as they got into the car.

Yami was wearing shorts, something like that famous b***h in Domino School for girls, Mazaki Anzu would wear. It only covered half of his thigh. “You told me to wear something comfortable,” he said, buckling his seat belt, and setting his bag of clothes and other school things on the floor. He once again crossed his legs. “And this is what I’m most comfortable in,”

“Okay,” he started the car and they went on their way. ‘This is getting ******** ridiculous,’ he thought, getting the Chap Stick from his pocket. “Here,” he handed it to Yami. “I thought I you might like this,”

Yami stared at the Chap Stick Seto held as he uncrossed his legs. “How’d you know I use Chap Stick?” Yami asked, not even in a demanding voice, and took the lip balm from Seto’s hand.

“I figured, I see your lips bleeding one day, and the next they’re already healed.” Seto lied about figuring it out as he took over a car and went into the highway. “Mokuba has me use them once in a while in summers, when lips do get dry,”

“Th-thanks, Kaiba-kun,” a small smile graced his lips as he put a coat on his lips.

Seto’s eyes widened for a few milliseconds. “Nobody’s called me with a kun before,”

“Uh…so I’m sorry, should I go back to calling you-”

“It’s fine, I’m just not used to it,” he rammed the gas pedal, overtaking cars. “These people make driving look so difficult even if it’s so damn easy, you’re the in highway and they’re going at 60km/h,” Yami grabbed the rim of the door as he closed his eyes. Seto heard him murmuring some prayers. “Don’t worry, Mutou, I won’t crash,”

“Where are we going anyway?!” he asked, not opening his eyes. And yes, Seto still wasn’t slowing down.

“To my rest house by Domino Beach, Mokuba’s already there,” he said, making a turn, and seemed like they’re going somewhere rural. “I don’t stay at the mansion during weekends. I get too many damn phone calls.”

Yami opened his eyes slowly, and saw that they were going through a forest’s path. “I thought we’re going to the beach,”

“We are. We’re just not taking the usual road,” answered Seto, going through a tunnel. “I had this road and tunnel made, and I’m the only one who can go here,”

“H-how?” then they stopped in front of a huge rock. “It’s a dead end!”

A retinal scanner came out from the camouflage inside the rocks and scanned Seto’s eyes. “No it’s not,” the rock in front of the cracked in half and a tunnel waited for them to enter. The scanner went back to its place and the rocks once again sealed the entrance. Yami didn’t say anything and closed his eyes once again as Seto once again sped up. “We’re not going to crash, Mutou, so open your eyes, and look at the view,”

“If you slow down I’ll open them,”

Seto sighed and slowly let go of the gas pedal and as expected, the car also slowed down. “You have a problem with speed?”

Yami had finally sat comfortably. “Yeah, when my father took me to the amusement park and we rode the roller coaster,” Yami admitted. “So I always walk to and from school,”

“I see,” said Seto. He loved speed. Especially late at night, he could really have the car up to its full speed. “You never got over the trauma,”

“You could say that,” Yami nodded, breathing deeply. Yami thought that it’d be really uncomfortable with Seto around. That they’d always argue about everything. But now he realized that they’d be pretty good friends if Seto would let anyone be his friend. “It’s beautiful,”

“I agree,” said Seto. “This is one of the places where I can be in peace,”

“And another one is?”

“The bathroom,” Yami laughed. “What’s so funny? Who doesn’t get any peace in the bathroom?” he raised a brow.

“I know, I know,” he exhaled. “It’s just that I study in the bathroom. I get the concentration there,” he smiled at him, and saw Seto just looking at him. Yami blushed madly. “S-sorry,”

“Nothing to apologize for, Mutou. At least we know where to find each other,”

Yami gave a small laugh, then saw a huge house appearing out the window. “Oh, my! Your rest house is absolutely beautiful!” it was one of those old style Japanese homes. “It kinda gives me the feudal Japan feel,”

“Yes, and we wear haoris, yukatas and kimonos in the rest house once in a while,” Seto told him. “To complete the feel,” they entered the premises of the land. Yes, it was a rest house by the beach, and the house was built on higher ground.

(1) Futanari – girls with dicks or girls who look like boys. Or boys who naturally grew breasts during adolescence or puberty or boys who look like girls. (According to manga sources: Boku to Imouto or “My Sister and I”)

(2) Ojamashimasu – what Japanese people say when they another’s house. Literally means “I’m coming in,”

(3) Grandfather

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