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I let my mind wonder and it never came back...
Plaza Theator
i went with my grandmother today, and we went to the Plaza Theater,
its this theater downtown that used to be this big grand place where all these actors would come to perform, like theater shows, but they closed it down a long time ago when my grandmother was a little kid, like 13. but they just re-opened it and we got to go on a tour and we got to see everything, and its so pretty! it shares a lot of cultures, the designs on the cealing, the walls, or the furniture, its a historical place, and while on the tour we went into the actual theatre and it was just beautiful! the seats were soft and bright red, like the ones in the movie The Phantom of the Opera, and the walls... it was like you were in a courtyard,and on top, like behind the walls there were trees, like the fake trees that look real, not the painted ones, these were actually there, and they had a specific place for the orcestra, and on the balcony, you could see everything, i would love to sit up there if i ever went to one of their shows, but the part i liked best was the cealing. it was dark blue, with these special lights that made the image of clouds, they looked so real.. and as you looked up into it you could see them moving, and then they turned off all the lights and it turns out there were little holes that they had put in the cealing, and each hole had a light, and they turned them all on and it was like thousands of stars on a dark night, but beautiful! like the real thing! and they blinked on and off like if they were twinkiling! turns out they are having shows there again, i know one of them is hairspray, so amanda, if you ever get the chance and pations to read this (hint hint) you might like to go with me...please xd but i had a really good time, they also told us about three ghosts that they have there (i honestly dont believe it but whatever floats their boats) one is a man that smokes, another a little girl who bounces a ball, and the other is a man in black, but i liked it alot! i also noticed that on some of the chairs, the armrests had a sculpture of a lion on it.