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Thinking about helping? Then come on down!
ALright, I'm going to explain this nice and simple...hopefully.

IMAGAHELP:Imagahelp is a little forum that I put together to help people with questions and problems. School, dating, and other troubles, I can help. I am able to use my mind to solve almost any question you throw at me. If you would like to join, then tell me.

JOINING:Imagahelp won't be JUST for me, I would like other people who feel like they want to make a difference to help too. All that you have to do is tell me that you want to join, tell me when and where you wanna meet, and we'll talk. I won't turn anybody down. But if you aren't excatly 'good' at problem solving, I"ll put you in a low rank called a Shield. You can raise your rank by the questions you answer. If I see that you're improving, then I'll raise your rank.

Imaga's are ranked into two groups(may change later on), ARMORS(Top three) and SHIELDS(4 and below). Also, each Imaga gets a 'grade' that tells how high there rank is.

ARMORS:Armors are ranked in a grade of 1-3. 1, is a commandar. The one in charge of a group. 2 is the Lieutenant, second in command, and 3 is the sub-lieutenant. They take ove when the lieutenant can't.

SHIELDS:A shield is an Imaga that is ranked 4 or below. They are more like apprantices. Once they raise there grade to about a 3, they become an ARMOR. If that happens, then the present 3rd armor becomes 3.1, while the new Armor becomes a 3.2.

NOTE:This is still exparimental, things may change.

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  • [08/02/08 11:19pm]

  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Thu Oct 23, 2008 @ 12:05am
    its me jessica! heart tomorrow is my birthday!

    commentCommented on: Sun Nov 16, 2008 @ 09:28pm
    u rock! iMAGA! I LOVE U! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Sun Nov 16, 2008 @ 10:40pm
    i love u imaga! love, jess kiss heart

    User Comments: [3] [add]